Why ADHD is often not recognized in girls – expert gives tips

In many cases, ADHD in girls differs from the classic symptoms in boys. Expert Heike Hahn explains in the video what parents should pay attention to – and what is important when playing.

While boys are often noticed as fidgets in kindergarten or at the latest in primary school, things are different for girls. ADHD It is often not recognized in them or only much later. Why is that?
This is because boys attract attention through their behavior and the behavior is disturbing. This is disruptive in a community and something needs to be done about it. And with girls? Girls don’t bother you that much, they don’t attract attention that much. They tend to blame themselves for their discomfort and difficulties. And it’s not that noticeable. They are then quiet and withdrawn. The typical thing is dreaming. There is also the term dreamer-liese. Yes, and that’s why they don’t stand out that much.

ADHD expert Heike Hahn explains why ADHD is often not recognized in girls

© private/ Heike Hahn

To person

Heike Hahn is a systemic coach, lecturer at the “Hector Children’s Academy for Gifted Children” and has ADHD herself, as do her children. She coaches parents of children with ADHD in everyday family life and has written a book (published by Humboldt Verlag) on ​​the topic: “My child has ADHD – How you can cope in everyday life and be happy together”.

What are other classic ADHD symptoms in girls? You just mentioned the dreamy thing. What else is there?
That they feel wrong. I often hear this from adult clients and young women I support, that they have always felt wrong. Terms like “coming from another planet” are used; not to be understood, not to be seen. Often also a lack of concentration, i.e. distractibility. This means you can also dream into your own worlds. Withdrawing, not being able to stay on task. Jumping from one to another. But boys have that too.

Especially in the interpersonal area Children with ADHD or especially girls with ADHD often look different than their peers. How does this manifest itself?

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