Why 2,000 volunteers will realize the equivalent of a round the world on foot and by bicycle

It is not a small experiment. In Ille-et-Vilaine, Rennes Métropole has just launched an ambitious scheme to encourage the use of soft mobility. By recruiting 2,000 volunteers, the community hopes to encourage the population to avoid the use of private cars to opt for walking, cycling or public transport.

Through this operation called “Les Deux Mille”, the French SME E3D-Environment will offer personalized support to the 2,000 volunteers selected in the district of La Bellangerais, in Rennes, but also in the neighboring municipalities of Hermitage and Rheu. The ambition is great. In one month, the volunteers hope to achieve 40,000 kilometers in soft mobility, the equivalent of a trip around the Earth.

“I can tell you that we are watched on this operation because we receive a lot of calls from other communities”, assures Matthieu Theurier. Vice-president in charge of transport, the elected ecologist is used to cycling. Its objective is clear: gently sensitize the population to the different modes of travel in order to encourage a gradual change in behavior. The famous 2,000 volunteers were not chosen at random. “74% of the inhabitants recruited were able to identify a short trip that they usually made by car, and decided to do it on foot or by bike,” assures Lionel Rodrigues in a press release.

This doctor in social psychology works for E3D-Environnement and will study the mechanisms that push inhabitants to change their habits. At first very simple (affix a Stop advertising sticker, sort your waste…), the actions will then be “more and more engaging”. Like going to work without your car once a week, or experimenting with carpooling, making arrangements with your neighbors to take the children to school or to leisure activities… “The weight of these small gestures is very important if they are practiced. in numbers ”, promises Matthieu Theurier. The elected recalls in particular that car traffic had fallen by 6% in June 2020 at the end of the first confinement, largely thanks to teleworking and the use of bicycles. “At that time, we no longer had any congestion problems,” he slips with a smile.

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