Whoopi Goldberg suspended – media

American actress and presenter Whoopi Goldberg, 66, has been suspended as a presenter by ABC television. The reason for this were statements by Goldberg in the talk show she co-hosted the view. She had said that the Holocaust was not about race, but about the inhuman treatment of one human being by other human beings. When a colleague objected that it was an act of white dominance, Goldberg replied that it was actions by whites on other whites.

A statement from ABC said Goldberg would be suspended for two weeks for her “incorrect and painful comments.” You should use the time to reflect.

Jonathan Greenblatt, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote on Twitter: “The Holocaust was about the systematic extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazis, who considered them an inferior race.” He warned that such Holocaust distortion is dangerous.

Goldberg himself has apologized multiple times, on television and also on Twitter. She regrets her comment, should have specified that the Holocaust was about both racism and inhumanity. She has always stood by the side of the Jews.

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