Who is Erwan Lannuzel, the Nagelsmann of Bergerac?

For the moment, he reads biographies but one day, it will perhaps be up to him to write his own. To tell how from the age of 22, he began to coach adults, how today at 33, he already coaches in National 2 with three 32nd finals in the Coupe de France with amateur teams or still how, one never knows, at 35 he became the coach of a professional team. Because according to Damien Fachan, the captain of the
Bergerac Perigord Football Club“the one who does not see Erwan [Lannuzel] go higher, he is blind! »

So of course, the man at the head of one of the two Petits Poucets in these round of 16 will never beat the German coach’s record for precocity Julian Nagelsmann but his journey necessarily calls out a little. And his new stunts against Créteil (N) and especially Metz (L1) during this 2022 edition naturally shine the spotlight on him. This Sunday (6:30 p.m.), he will aim for a third feat with his players against Pascal Dupraz’s Saint-Etienne. Another coach with an atypical background.

Coach in N3 at 25 years old

That of Erwan Lannuzel began on the Basque coast. At the Joan of Arc of Biarritz, her lifelong club. There, he was a player but above all a coach from the age of 16-17. “It was felt from the start. For the record, he was a goalkeeper, so he saw the whole game and he already gave us a lot of instructions, ”smiles his childhood friend Mario Aguirre. Coaching, the current boss of the BPFC immediately “loved”, even with his first teams of chicks and youngest where he “already tried to do good sessions, to offer different things and to have a style. »

But serious things happen in your twenties. The Basque was appointed reserve coach and then the first team two years later. “It was quite special because I trained my friends and often players older than me. “ “He may be a young coach but I was above all shocked by his maturity, underlines Damien Fachan. I don’t see any differences with the coaches I have known at higher levels. For example, he pays attention to all the small details as well as the bigger ones. In the end, his youth is an advantage because he has taken the lead. Indeed, they are not 50 to have led a team of N3 at 25 years old.

He has “nothing to envy to top-level coaches”

This meteoric rise, Erwan Lannuzel owes it above all to “his love of football”, according to his friend Mario Aguirre. “He’s a real enthusiast. He watches a lot of matches, of course, but he’s also constantly on the sidelines at the weekend, he never lets go of his phone. Ask his girlfriend! (laughter)” And despite his young age, today he has “nothing to envy to high-level coaches”, says Denis Stinat, his assistant for three years now. His working method, which has proven itself in Bayonne, Poitiers and now Bergerac (leader of N2 thanks to a current series of 17 games without defeat), is based on three pillars. Honesty, modernity and humility.

Erwan Lannuzel with his assistant Denis Stinat. – BPFC

“He is a very human coach, deciphers his right arm. He is close to his players with a very well-designed framework where everyone knows their role. Then, his instructions for training is that one session should never look like another. He wants players to be always surprised, always awake. And then to finish, he doesn’t consider that he has the science infused like others, suddenly, he feeds on everything and especially on others. For example, he recently spent days with Yannick Bru and Christophe Urios, respective managers of Aviron Bayonnais and UBB, to learn from their management.

A professional world still very closed to “amateurs”

It now remains to take the next step, perhaps the hardest, that of taking the lead of a professional team. Sportingly, he could get closer to it next season in the event of a climb with Bergerac. For that, he also intends to quickly pass his BEPF (Professional Football Coach Certificate). But there remains a major difficulty as for many coaches from the amateur world. “It is always the same coaches who run, notes Denis Stinat. Club leaders are cautious, they are afraid to take on young coaches. It’s a very closed world but he will get there, he will go higher. There is no hurry, you have to go step by step. But it is sure that he is not the kind of coach to kiss the boot for a position. »

“The objective of course is to get there, you have to have ambition but while being full of humility. Otherwise, things can go wrong very quickly. I know what I’m talking about since I didn’t think it would go so fast for me, ”insists Erwan Lannuzel. If he has never been asked by a National or Ligue 2 club, we are ready to put a coin that it could still quickly happen in the event of a new exploit this Sunday against Saint-Etienne.

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