WHO criticizes several European countries for having “brutally” lifted their measures

Several European countries, including Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, have lifted their anti-Covid-19 measures too “brutally”, the World Health Organization deplored on Tuesday. Results according to the WHO? They find themselves faced with a clear rise in cases under the effect of the BA.2 sub-variant.

The “vigilant” WHO director

During a press conference relocated to Moldova, the director of the WHO in Europe, Hans Kluge, said he was “vigilant” about the current epidemic situation on the continent, while claiming to remain “optimistic”. Currently, the number of Covid-19 cases is on the rise in 18 of the 53 countries in the WHO Europe zone, according to the health organization. The countries where we are seeing a particular rise are the UK, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, France, Italy and Germany,” Kluge pointed out.

A rebound since March

According to WHO data, the number of new cases in Europe had fallen sharply after peaking in late January, but it has been rebounding since early March. According to epidemiologists, this rebound is explained in particular by the now predominance of the sub-variant of Omicron BA.2, approximately 30% more contagious – but not more dangerous – than its predecessor, BA.1.

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