Who are these future travelers proliferating on TikTok?

Lost in 2054. Trends are the fuel that powers your TikTok feed. Like the egg and the chicken, it is often difficult to know who threw what first. This is not the case for the “traveler of the future” trend, launched in February 2021 by a Spaniard who calls himself Javier. The hundreds of videos he has published in nearly two years show him in 2027, in a world emptied of all human beings. In the meantime, many other tiktokers have stolen his idea, with more or less success, except that most of them claim to have been projected in 2054. Fiction for fun, technical challenge, greed … On this day of the tenth anniversary of what should have been the end of the world, 20 minutes wanted to know what were the motivations of these travelers of the future.

Since posting his first video on TikTok, Javier, aka @unicosobreviviente (sole survivor), has amassed a community of nearly 8 million followers, racked up tens of millions of views and just as many “likes”. It must be said that his tiktoks are stunning, filmed all over Spain, especially in Madrid, at any time of the day and night, without being able to see the slightest human being. Big cities, airports, football clubs, shops, fire stations… He goes everywhere as if he were indeed the last man on earth. A madness so well done that Javier was quick to make the buzz, many press articles being devoted to him. From then on, the Spaniard had won his bet since his brilliant idea had no other purpose than to promote the release of his book, Unico survives.

“I’m scared, I woke up in an empty world”

A perfectly successful com campaign, therefore. But is this the case for others? A second TikTok account is draining an audience of madness by posting videos of an “empty world”. It’s @kilianandmaruta, now @Kilmaru. He – or they, as internet legend says it’s a Japanese couple – posted their first post-disaster film on March 23, 2021. “I’m scared, I woke up to an empty world,” assures Kilmaru. The originality is that the account pre-existed and the previous videos were normal. But since then, he has followed his sole survivor logic, except that the scenario is more elaborate than that of Javier, a kind of technological conspiracy strewn with puzzles that he must solve by collecting clues around the world. Technically, his videos are as well put together as those of the Spaniard, in particular the series on board a cruise liner. His 3.3 million followers follow his adventures as they would for a series character and, a priori, Kilmaru has nothing to sell.

Several French people have invested in the niche, Le bec noir, Hedz du futur or White mask being the most followed accounts. They claim to be in the year 2054, again in a world where the population has been eradicated by a catastrophe. Their videos are much less accomplished than the previous two examples and they have no storyline. Moreover, they have on their heels a bunch of regulars of the social network who track down their mistakes in the videos. This is the case of Christophe, alias Revealer of fake. “You can see people or cars in some of their videos. Posters or newspapers from 2022, it’s really not difficult to find flaws, ”he assures.

“They do it for the money”

An amateurism that is not the main problem. “These three, they do lives in which they ask for gifts from their followers. Clearly, they are doing this for the money,” laments Christophe. In addition to gifts and tips from followers, these highly-following accounts can earn compensation through the TikTok Creator Fund. “Making money is not the problem, lying to his followers in lives, playing with anxiety, fear, that’s what bothers me,” recognizes Christophe. Because some believe in it, “young people, minors, naive, with all the risks that this may entail”, adds the Fake Revealer. Moreover, in a recent live, Le bec noir, originally from Toulon, revealed the truth, assuming that he had taken the money without scruple “from the Mongols” who believed in his story.

20 minutes attempted to contact several of these “future travellers” to explain their motivations. In vain. Hedz from the future seems to be an obscure, unrecognized rapper in the same way as Le bec noir. The latter, in a TikTok posted a few days ago, presented one of his sounds, Since. Describing himself as an opportunist, he also recognizes “that you can’t please everyone”. His buzz did not turn into a bad buzz after his insulting live but nevertheless comes to an end: “They are running out of steam, soon we will hear no more about them”, predicts the Revealer of fake.

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