Who are the criminals targeted by an Interpol red notice at the request of France?

Sixty-six men and women are the subject of an Interpol red notice at the request of France. Worldwide, there are 6,791. The latest for France, that in the name of Mohamed Amra, a repeat offender convicted in particular for theft, extortion and suspected of links with Marseille drug banditry, and since May 14, a fugitive after being extracted by a commando from his prison van.

20 minutes consulted the Interpol red notices and provides you with the profile of seven of the criminals wanted by France. Surprising thing about the Interpol website, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès is not covered by a red notice but by a blue notice. Requested by France, it corresponds to a “collection of additional information concerning the identity, location or activities of a person in connection with a judicial investigation”. He could also be on Interpol’s list of fugitives to which the public has no access.

  • Mohamed Amra was released by a commando who attacked a prison van carrying out his transfer on May 14, 2024 in Normandy. The next day, “The Fly” was targeted by an Interpol red notice. — AFP/INTERPOL

    Known and convicted until now mainly for break-ins committed in Normandy, Mohamed Amra is also indicted in a case of settling scores committed in June 2022 in Marseille and which he allegedly ordered. The police still have difficulty understanding the importance that the fugitive could represent in the world of drug traffickers, for such a commando to free him. “They deployed a lot of resources. Which either means he’s someone worthy of interest or he doesn’t need to be in prison to master a certain number of things. Even if he is not defined as a top boss, he is still a guy who must have notable importance,” estimates a police source.

  • Kazim Genc convicted of murder. — Interpol

    Kazim Genc also escaped from prison. He was incarcerated there for 25 years after the assassination of Zakaria Ban El Mahdi who allegedly struck his young wife. This 40-year-old from Lille, of Turkish origin, has since been wanted by Interpol. His lawyer during his trial at the assizes was Éric Dupond-Moretti.

  • Pascal Gillot — Interpol

    Originally from Maubeuge, Pascal Gillot spent years torturing his son before making him his accomplice. On March 11, 2006, in Belgium, he very violently attacked a young woman in a parking lot, hitting her “with an electric cable as heavy as a baton,” reported The last hour. The father-son duo moves the victim to Brussels, to an apartment to rape her. Pascal Gillot is also being prosecuted for the rape of a 10-year-old child at the time of the first abuse which lasted four years.

    A Philippine media article reports that he was found in the country and arrested.

  • Jessica Esohe Edosomwan, suspected of human trafficking. — Interpol

    In 2021, Jessica Esohe Edosomwan was among the 21 most wanted fugitives in 21 EU countries revealed by Europol. This Nigerian woman, aged 30, is suspected of belonging to a vast criminal network of human and child trafficking. The victims were forced into prostitution to repay their debts.

  • Abdelkader Bouguettaia is accused of more than twenty offenses linked to drug trafficking. — Interpol

    Abdelkader Bouguettaia is the criminal wanted by France against whom more charges are being filed. He is being prosecuted, indicates the Interpol website, for “participation in a criminal conspiracy with a view to preparing an offense punishable by 10 years of imprisonment for repeat offenses, complicity in attempted unauthorized possession of narcotics for repeat offenses, attempted of possession of goods dangerous to public health (narcotics) without regular supporting document, smuggling importation as a repeat offense…” He is accused of more than twenty offenses, all linked to the world of drug trafficking.

  • Tamara Malenic is wanted by Interpol for “subtraction of a child by ascendant”. — Interpol

    Tamara Malenic is the only woman of French nationality to appear in Interpol red notices, for acts of “subtraction of a child by ascendant” and “non-representation of a child”. This mother filed a complaint against her ex-spouse for “rape of a minor by ascendant” in November 2016 on her daughter, 2 and a half years old at the time. But after the complaint was dismissed and custody was awarded to the father by the courts, Tamara Malenic fled with her daughter in May 2018.

  • Bilal Ahmad — Interpol

    Of Pakistani origin, Bilal Ahmad, 23, is accused and wanted for “sexual assault on a 15-year-old minor” and possession of child pornography images.

  • Former Renault-Nissan partner Carols Ghosn is also the subject of a red notice. — M.LIBERT / 20 Minutes

    In November 2018, Carlos Ghosn (70 years old) was arrested in Tokyo when he got off his private jet. The former boss of the Renault Nissan alliance is suspected of misuse of corporate assets and money laundering. He left Japan in an incredible manner hidden in a trunk and took refuge in Lebanon, which has no intention of extraditing him despite an international arrest warrant issued by the French justice system and a red notice from Interpol at the request from Japan.

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