Which party offered Jeremstar 15,000 euros to film his vote?

He doesn’t eat that bread. In several posts on TikTok, the influencer Jeremstar claims to have been contacted by a political party with the clearly stated aim of advertising for the legislative elections in exchange for a sum of money. Although he refused to touch on the “dirty money” of this party, the influencer nevertheless refused to mention its name. But from whom could such an indecent proposition come?

“I was offered 15,000 euros to do three stories and a post […] where I would film in the voting booth what I actually put in the envelope, namely the party in question,” Jeremstar took offense in a video posted on TikTok, Tuesday. According to him, the idea was “to influence his community to vote the same”. He quickly adds that he “declined” the proposal, assuring that, for him, “it’s dirty money”.

Who benefits from the “crime”?

So, in order not to “make any waves”, Jérémy Gisclon, his real name, does not say which party it is. “I do not wish to communicate about the party in question, not wanting to be attached to a particular party,” confirmed the person concerned to 20 minutes. That doesn’t stop you from trying to deduce. A priori, Jeremstar lives in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, where he bought a very nice apartment last year, with a view of the Eiffel Tower and La Défense. This district is spread over two constituencies, the 4th and the 14th, but would rather be located in the 14th, whose outgoing deputy is Benjamin Haddad (Renaissance).

In this constituency, eight candidates will compete for the seat of deputy: the outgoing, Benjamin Haddad (Renaissance), Thomas Culerrier (Reconquest), Patrick Dray (LR), Hugo Rota (LFI-New Popular Front), Marie Bourdy (Lutte Ouvrière) ), Louis Piquet (LR-RN), Eric Molinari (without label) and Sacha Élie Zaouati (without label).

From the outset, it is quite logical to exclude “small parties” or candidates without a label who are guaranteed not to cover their campaign costs. So there remain the four “big ones”, Renaissance, RN, LR and Popular Front. For Jeremstar’s followers, it’s a prediction fair with, however, a certain redundancy for LFI and the RN.

Our file on the legislative elections

Who has the most interest in paying an influencer in this situation? The RN is down in the 14th where it finished in 3rd position with 3.35% of the votes in 2022. Therefore unwinnable. The left is not doing much better since it has never reached the 2nd round, including in 2022 with Nupes (11.45%). Also unwinnable. The match should therefore be played between LR and Renaissance. Renaissance to keep the seat and LR to recover the 14th, lost in 2017.

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