Which companies are desperately looking for employees

Because there is a lack of staff everywhere, travelers at the airport currently need a lot of patience.
Image: Frank Röth

The job radar of the FAZ shows: The need for workers in Germany is growing and growing. However, the vacancies are less and less a positive economic signal – but rather a clear warning sign.

ADespite all the crisis scenarios, the need for workers in Germany is growing and growing. According to the FAZ archive’s quarterly job radar, German companies announced or planned to create a total of 63,650 jobs during the first half of the year. That is more than twice as much as in the same period of the previous year and would normally speak for a real boom, especially since the reduction plans only add up to a good 10,500 jobs. In times of staff shortages, however, the vacancies are less and less a positive economic signal and more a warning sign of the shortage of skilled workers, which limits the growth that would be possible this summer if corona restrictions were lifted. Customers are already feeling this.

This is how the airport operator fights Fraport especially together with Lufthansa and the federal police responsible for security at Frankfurt’s major airport with increased personnel deployment against the system collapse. The many summer travelers have to be guided through the ticket halls, security and passport controls and terminals. This is a labour-intensive task given the 200,000 passengers a day. Fraport wanted to hire 1,000 employees by the summer, but they are difficult to find. Despite ongoing recruitment, the company currently needs several hundred additional employees. It was even considered hiring temporary workers from Turkey. However, employees who work in airport security areas must first be checked by authorities, which takes six weeks.

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