Where is the vaccination of teachers and students?

More than a week before the start of the school year. While there are many uncertainties due to the contagiousness of the Delta variant, the fact that teachers and students aged 12 to 17 are massively vaccinated against Covid-19 will play an important role in the success of the resumption of classes. . Because with vaccination, “we are 8 times less likely to be infected, 11 times less likely to go to the hospital,” said Jean Castex this Thursday on RTL. And the less contamination there will be, the fewer closings of classes in primary and 6th, or of students following distance learning courses in secondary.

This Thursday, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer unveiled, during his back-to-school press conference, data concerning the vaccination of teachers, resulting from an Ipsos survey. “Today, 78% of teachers already have a complete vaccination schedule and 11% are about to have it. In total, 89% of teachers are therefore in the process of having a complete vaccination schedule. A situation which satisfies the government all the more since it has never considered making vaccination compulsory for this public. “We are moving towards 90 to 95% of teachers vaccinated, so we much prefer to be in a situation with more than 90 or 95% of people vaccinated on a voluntary basis, rather than creating a whole series of controversies around the vaccination obligation ”, underlined Jean-Michel Blanquer.

57% of 12-17 year olds received a first dose

For students aged 12 to 17, the figures are also growing. According to the Ministry of Education, 57% of this age group have already received a first dose of the vaccine, and 32% both. The ministry’s objective is to exceed 60% of first-time vaccines at the start of the school year. “We want to move towards 100% vaccination”, also declared the minister, who has for his sights the holidays of All Saints.

In order to achieve this, pupils’ access to vaccination will be facilitated. In addition to the classic vaccinodromes, middle and high school students will be able to be bitten within their establishment. And pop-up vaccination centers will also be set up near establishments in areas where vaccination rates are lowest. The vaccination will be carried out by mobile teams from the ARS (regional health agencies). To collect parents’ authorizations, the Ministry of Education has planned to recruit 700 educational assistants. Knowing that those over 16 will be able to be vaccinated without parental consent.

Non-vaccinated students who will be in contact will have to isolate themselves for 7 days

But the game is not won, precisely because of parental consent under the age of 16. However, if adults mostly agree to be vaccinated themselves, some fear this act for their offspring, fearing side effects in the more or less long term. Faced with these doubts, the Rue de Grenelle relies on communication: “The first weeks of the school year will be devoted to informing and raising the awareness of parents and pupils”, indicates the Ministry of Education.

Several reasons could encourage parents to take the plunge: unvaccinated students and contact cases will have to isolate themselves for 7 days and will therefore be deprived of important lessons at the beginning of the year. Moreover, if unvaccinated children will be able to go on school trips to places where the pass is required, this possibility will only be offered to them if the places in question are not open to the public at that time.

Elisabeth Allain-Moreno, national secretary of SE-Unsa, believes that the vaccine intentions of parents towards their children will increase: “The means of protecting children will be more popular because the risk of being infected is greater with the Delta variant. . “On the other hand, for his colleague Stéphane Crochet, secretary general of the organization, nothing guarantees the success of vaccination in establishments:” Parents generally want to accompany their children during medical procedures. »Answer in a few weeks …

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