Where in the district you can bang on New Year’s Eve – Munich

They will also be there this year, the places of retreat at the turn of the year, where nobody has to fear getting caught in the crossfire of misguided firecrackers or pyrotechnics or even suffering a sudden hearing loss. And those who decide to make a detour to Oberschleißheim on New Year’s Eve can also look forward to a very special backdrop. As every year, there is a ban on firecrackers around the New and Old Schleißheim Palace and Lustheim Palace, imposed by the Bavarian Palace Administration, which wants to protect Bavarian cultural assets from the risk of fire by banning fireworks.

The palace administration has been taking this measure for years. In the state capital, not even the Nymphenburg Palace Park or the inner courtyards of the residence may be entered at the turn of the year. And the castles in Oberschleißheim will also remain closed on Saturday, December 31st and Sunday, January 1st.

In the past two years, however, there have been restrictions of a completely different kind in the Munich district – triggered by a general decree from the district office. Because of the risk of infection from the corona virus, crowds of people were prohibited in certain places in almost all 29 towns and municipalities in the district. Added to this was the ban on the sale of fireworks by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which was intended to counteract the risk of overburdening hospitals. But all that is history.

In Haar there should be a New Year’s Eve cracker without any crackers

In Unterhaching there will be no new general decree this New Year’s Eve – not even for the particularly sensitive landscape park with its rare and endangered species such as the woodlark or the sky-blue blue. It is “extremely difficult” to issue such an order, says Simon Hötzl, spokesman for the municipality. “So there are no restrictions this year. We are counting on people taking responsibility for themselves and making a clear appeal to them: there is no worse place for banging than the landscape park for a fireworks display.”

Even in the most populous city in the county, there will be no restrictions. The same rules would apply in Unterschleißheim as elsewhere, says press officer Thomas Stockerl. The firing of rockets is therefore – as in all of Germany – only prohibited around churches and old people’s and nursing homes.

The municipality of Haar wants to be a pioneer this year and forgo municipal fireworks, as has always been the case at the sports and leisure park since the turn of the millennium. Instead, this year there will be a “New Year’s Eve cracker without any crackers”. At the Haarer Anger in the heart of the community between the adult education center and the community center a DJ will be playing from 10 p.m., there will be dancing and there will also be something to drink. At 11.30 p.m. a fire theater starts with mysticism, artistry and light effects. The artists of the duo Danza Furiosa accompany you into the new year, dancing through their fire worlds. In addition, Mayor Andreas Bukowski asks that there be no fireworks in other places in the community and instead that people donate to the “Hair Sticks Together” campaign, which helps people who are in financial need due to the increased cost of living.

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