When the president of the commission tries to win places from Deschamps

Funny end of audition for Didier Deschamps. The coach of the French team was interviewed Thursday by the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly on several subjects. Particularly on the dysfunctions within sports federations, but also on the governance crisis at the FFF or Karim Benzema’s package during the last World Cup.

After more than 1h30 of discussions, the coach had to respond to a somewhat special request by way of conclusion. That of the Horizons de Vendée MP and president of the commission, Béatrice Bellamy: “I hope that you will keep good memories of this hearing. If this is the case, do not hesitate to invite everyone present (in the room) to the next French team match. We will be happy to come and join you. It will be a great pleasure to accompany you on a future match. » A surprising request from an elected official, to which the selector referred to “ [son] president” without opening up any further.

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