When tenants do not have to make their additional payment


As of: February 13, 2024 8:13 a.m

If the utility bill arrives late, this can have advantages for tenants. It is important to look closely – also with a view to the so-called additional cost privilege, which will soon be eliminated.

What to do if the… invoice for additional costs arrives late?

It depends on whether the statement is actually submitted too late. Landlords generally have one year – after the last day of the billing period. Specifically, this means: For 2022, the billing must be received by the end of December 2023 at the latest – if this has not happened, those affected can reject the claim in writing.

Landlords may then no longer be able to claim additional costs that have not been paid enough. For such cases, there are sample letters for tenants, for example from the consumer advice center. However, there are exceptions if the landlord is not to blame for the utility bill being received late.

What happens if there is an incorrect billing?

According to consumer advocates, around half of all utility bills are incorrect. This could be a formal error, but it could also be an incorrect calculation. Anyone who wants to take action against the billing must be able to give good reasons and have a maximum of one year to do so. Support is available from the tenants’ association or the consumer advice center.

How are the additional costs made up?

The additional costs are in addition to the basic rent of an apartment for, for example, the water supply, street cleaning and garbage disposal – but also for the garden to be maintained, the elevator to be maintained and the lighting in the stairwell to work. These are costs that the landlord can recover from the tenant. They are therefore also called apportionable additional costs.

How high are the operating costs on average?

On average, tenants paid 2.28 euros per square meter per month for operating costs in 2022. This is shown by the current operating cost report from the German Tenants’ Association. Converted to an 80 square meter apartment, this results in costs of around 2,755 euros. However, there can be large regional differences when it comes to property taxes, water or the costs of waste disposal.

What does the removal of the mean? Additional cost privileges?

Owners can currently pass on the fees for cable television along with additional costs to the tenants – even if the tenants do not use the cable connection. This regulation will no longer apply from July 1, 2024. All tenants can then freely choose from whom and how they want to receive their own TV program. If you want to keep your cable connection, you can do so, but you will have to sign a new contract yourself.

However, according to consumer advocates, the costs could increase slightly in the future – by a maximum of three euros per month. So-called media consultants are currently increasingly going from house to house and trying to conclude new contracts. The consumer advice center advises not to allow yourself to be put under pressure and to choose an offer for the new cable connection calmly.

Why did that exist? Additional cost privilege?

Until now, cable connection was included in many rental contracts. It dates back to the early days of cable television and was intended to enable many people to have network access. There are now many different types of reception for television; This privilege is therefore no longer considered contemporary.

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