When should you take vitamin D?

Vitamin D is important for the human organism. The vitamin is formed through the skin. Sufficient UV-B radiation is a prerequisite. Becomes from a doctor Vitamin D deficiency establishedshould that Vitamin in the form of tablets or drops be supplied to the body. The fat-soluble vitamin should be taken for a rich meal.

Ingestion: It doesn’t matter whether it’s in the morning or in the evening – the main thing is with a meal

It doesn’t usually matter what time of day you take vitamin D. It is important that you take the vitamin with a meal. Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, it is better absorbed by the body when combined with a rich meal. So that you don’t forget to take it, it is advisable to set a routine for yourself at a certain time of the day – for example every morning for breakfast.

Anyone who takes vitamin D drops can take them independently of the meal, since the vitamins are already dissolved in the fat of the oils they contain.

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