When rugby players invent sports on flooded fields

The precipitation of recent days in the South-West, which fell on land already waterlogged by the torrential rains of recent weeks, has generated a large number of floods. Even on the sports fields, making them impassable.

Well, not for everyone. Social networks are thus enjoying the initiatives of rugby players from the region, who have completely invented sports, like this rugby player from RC Saint-Médard (Fédérale 1), in Gironde near Bordeaux. We see the latter on a paddle, paddling on the water, and even passing between the two posts.

That’s not all. Tuesday, it was a rugby player from US Varetz, in Corrèze, who dove into the swimming pool, we don’t really know anymore, of his club, to follow up with a kind of crawl…

The decline is expected from today in the South-West. But it should take a few days before the land returns to normal.

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