Whatsapp with the longed-for innovation: finally two accounts on one cell phone

Whatsapp with the longed-for innovation: two accounts are finally possible on one cell phone

Many WhatsApp users want a separation between work and private use. This is now possible.

© AleksandarNakic/Getty Images

It is extremely rare that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about innovations for WhatsApp. But when it came to the latest function, the boss insisted on announcing it himself.

“Switch between two Whatsapp accounts – soon everyone will be able to have two accounts on one phone within the app.” Meta-CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a long-awaited innovation for his group’s messenger quickly and painlessly via Facebook. Whatsapp itself explains again on the company’s own blog, what it’s about.

From today, according to the developers, it is possible to log in to two WhatsApp accounts at the same time. This should, for example, help to separate professional and private matters more clearly and no longer run the risk of accidentally posting in the wrong chat. Whatsapp also says you can avoid having to carry two devices with you if you want to be reachable on two lines.

Second Whatsapp account requires a different phone number

However, the new function is not suitable for everyone and does not work without a second phone number. Two accounts with just one SIM card are therefore not intended. Whatsapp writes: “To set up a second account, you need a second phone number and a SIM card or a phone that supports multi-SIM or eSIM. Simply open your WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to your name and then ‘ Add an account. You can set your privacy and notification settings individually for each account.”

With this innovation, Whatsapp not only ensures increased convenience, but also more security. Until now, operating multiple messenger accounts often involved the use of third-party software, where it was not possible to say exactly where the data entered there went. Alternatively, you could use WhatsApp Business to use a second number, but then you also had two apps.

The second number, apart from perhaps the additional costs, is only a problem on a few smartphones. Many devices, such as the iPhone 15 (tested here) or the Pixel 8 Pro (tested here), offer the option of using a so-called eSIM in addition to the physical SIM card, which can be installed and set up in no time.

WhatsApp could soon look different

There is likely to be a lot happening with WhatsApp in the coming weeks and months. Most recently, traces of a new design were found in the beta versions of the app, i.e. the test editions (you can find out more here). The so-called channels have also been added – even if some people wish they could switch them off again.

Sources: Facebook, Whatsapp

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