Whatsapp trick: You have sent and received so many messages

Watch the video: WhatsApp hack – trick shows the number of all messages sent and received.

It’s a question you certainly don’t ask yourself every day, but it’s definitely an interesting one. How many WhatsApp messages have I actually sent and how many have I received? WhatsApp makes answering the question very easy, because the messenger service meticulously counts every incoming and outgoing message. The numbers are usually very different. You can see your own personal statistics via the “Storage and data” item, which you can call up in the WhatsApp settings menu. IPhone users can find the “Settings” by tapping the gear icon at the bottom right when the app is open, Android users reach it it at the top right using the three dots. Now tap on “Storage and data” and then select the item “Network usage”. Now you can see your actually sent and received WhatsApp messages.

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