Whatsapp online status: This is how the current status can be hidden

WhatsApp: This is how you can now hide your current online status – if you are lucky

Not everyone needs to know when you were last online – or whether you are online.

© Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

A new Whatsapp feature allows you to hide information about your online status. In addition, groups can be left more discreetly.

It’s an awkward situation for both parties: if you take a little time to reply to messages, but the person you’re talking to can see that you’re currently “online” – meaning you’ve obviously opened Messenger – the virtual equivalent of embarrassing arises Be silent. With the latest update, Whatsapp is finally opening up the ability to completely hide online status. However, it should be said: not every account already has access to the new function, it seems to take a while before everyone is allowed to activate it.

If you are one of the chosen ones, the new menu is somewhat hidden in the settings. However, first check whether your smartphone has really already loaded the latest version 22.21.77. This can be seen in the App Store under the most recently installed updates.

How to hide your online status

If this is the case, first navigate to the settings in Whatsapp Messenger. Then go to “Account”, then “Privacy” and then to “Last Seen/Online”. Profiles that don’t have the option will only see “Last Seen”.

In the event of a successful activation, there is now a new setting in this menu in which the question of who can see whether you are online can be answered. There you either give everyone permission, or you make the same choice as when specifying whether you want to share the time you were last online.

If you do not choose “everyone”, but limit the group of people or generally do not allow the sharing of this information, you also have to refrain from providing information from others, even if the people actually publish the information.

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Leave groups without drama

Also extremely pleasing is the removal of the pillory in which you are placed as soon as you leave a group. Until now, leaving a group has appeared prominently for everyone in the chat – which can often lead to embarrassing discussions. From now on, only the group admins will know when you decide to leave. The rest of the participants are not automatically informed.

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