Whatsapp error fixed: “We’re back again”

messenger service
“We’re back”: Whatsapp problem fixed

Whatsapp struggled with disruptions on Thursday

© Fabian Sommer / Picture Alliance

Whatsapp was disrupted for a while on Thursday – not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. In the meantime, the service has the problems under control.

This article first appeared on RTL.de

The messenger service Whatsapp struggled with disruptions on Thursday evening. Numerous users reported problems on social media, and Whatsapp also confirmed the error reports. But in the meantime, the service has given the all-clear: The problems have been resolved since late in the evening.

“We noticed it and are working on it,” confirmed Whatsapp on Twitter the user problems. “We will keep you up to date and thank you for your patience in the meantime,” it said.

Problems with Whatsapp were solved by late evening

Many reports of the Whatsapp disruption were also received on the “alle disturbances.de” portal. Shortly after 11 p.m. (almost 25,000 reports), the number of problem reports there decreased again.

From 11:45 p.m., users could breathe again – the disruptions were rectified. “We’re back. Have fun chatting,” Whatsapp announced on Twitter.

Users and media from other European countries also reported disruptions to Whatsapp. “Sky News” wrote about 30,000 problem reports in connection with the messenger in Great Britain (as of 11 p.m.). Several media from Portugal, several Spanish-speaking countries and Italy also reported problems with Whatsapp.

In October of last year, Whatsapp had massive problems for several hours. At that time, in addition to Whatsapp, the other services of the company Meta, Instagram and Facebook, also had problems. In October 2021, Facebook technicians had to fix the problem manually – after a few hours the services started up again.

RTL.de / swi / jaw

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