What will we remember from this season 16?

The end is near for the 16th season of Love is in the meadow ! This Monday, November 22, M6 broadcasts the first part of the assessment of the farmers’ adventure, before a final part a week later.

Before switching to Christmas mode, 20 minutes invites you to dive back into this season by offering you a small anthology of its strongest moments

Hervé and Stéphanie, the flagship couple of this season 16

If there is one thing that we remember, it is the couple of Hervé and Stéphanie. Funny and touching (and sometimes a little embarrassing), they offered us cult moments throughout the adventure. Starting with their first night of love, commented without shame in front of the camera, with its share of details. If we understood correctly, the farmer almost completely “used” his contender in a night that was “intense”, to the point of moving the bed and suggesting the use of chains (with humor, of course). Sacred night, indeed!

Another cult sequence of our two lovebirds: Stéphanie’s “unusual” way of showing Hervé that she has turned the page with her ex. And here the pages are even more than turned, they are torn into small pieces. In the middle of a meal, it’s a whole photo album of her and her ex-companion which passed under the destructive fingers of the contender, who even went there with her little comment, “it’s solid in addition, I’m going maybe take the scissors, ”she exclaimed. An aggressiveness that made the 43-year-old farmer uncomfortable, destabilized by the scene (and we understand it!).

The argument between Vincent and Stéphanie

Food is sacred at Vincent’s, and viewers noticed it in early November. While the meal had just ended for Vincent the winemaker and Stéphanie, the latter decided to give the leftovers to the dogs. What a mistake… “Food has to be won!” »Exclaimed Vincent, before the argument escalated even more for a story of vinaigrette dosage … Between” shut your mouth “and howls, our two blood almost came to blows.

Delphine and Ghyslaine’s flawless speed dating

In just a few seconds, the couple Delphine and Ghyslaine already seemed to be obvious. During the first episodes, we attended a lesson in flirtation perfectly mastered for the first lesbian candidate of the show.

Between an undeniable physical attraction, sincere compliments and conversations that already induce a common future, Ghyslaine did not go by four ways, and it worked. So much so that we were almost to feel too much in front of this unequivocal chemistry.

Franck’s indecision in the face of his two suitors

On Franck’s side, the task did not appear so obvious. While he had let Cécile go for Anne-Lise, the silviculturist then seemed to regret his choice, convinced that he had let “the woman of his life” go. Except that at this time, Anne-Lise is still present. It’s hard for the one who finally thought to have the way clear, and who therefore, in turn, decided to leave.

Franck, now alone, thinks only of bringing Cécile back, and therefore decides to send her a statement by SMS, as the ultimate hope. Not easy to follow, all that …

Hafsa’s hasty departure, in the middle of the night

Vincent, an equestrian educator, has always taken care to fairly share the attention paid to his two suitors. However, a preference for Natacha quickly appeared, and was reinforced by the advice of her relatives. At the end of an evening with them, Vincent decides to break the suspense by announcing his decision to Hafsa, but is surprised to see that the latter is already sleeping.

Without waiting, he then turns to Natacha, and announces to her that it is her that he has chosen to keep. Dramatic change when Hafsa wakes up and understands that her affair with Vincent not only ends there, but also that she is the last one notified. Neither one nor two, the suitcases are packed, and it is a Hafsa more withdrawn than ever who leaves the place, in the middle of the night …

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