what we know of the two young people who died in a scooter accident after refusing to comply – Liberation

“Refusal to comply”, a deadly inflation of police firecase

While trying to evade a police check, the two men’s scooter crashed into a third-party vehicle. The driver and his passenger are both dead.

Two young men riding a scooter died in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, after hitting a vehicle following a refusal to comply, AFP learned from police sources. The facts occurred on the night of Saturday August 5 to Sunday August 6, around 1 a.m., according to Actu17.

According to the version of the facts given by the police, the two-wheeler, a TMax scooter, fled at the sight of a vehicle of the BAC (anti-crime squad) which was about to check it. A chase would have started, before the police gave up, “deeming the situation too dangerous”, according to police sources. The scooter ran a red light, hitting a third-party vehicle, which instantly killed the miner riding the two-wheeler. He was 16 years old, according to Actu17. His passenger, an adult, died in hospital shortly after. The minor was driving without a license or insurance.

According to the town hall of Limoges, the car struck had on board a father and his young children, who are “shocked and traumatized”. On the avenue du Général Leclerc, a large artery bordering residential areas, sawdust, ground paintings and crosses marking the positions of the bodies were still visible Sunday at midday, according to an AFP photographer. One of the crosses, surrounded by traces of blood, was 30 or 40 meters from the point of impact between the two vehicles. “Our thoughts obviously go to the families of the missing victims to whom we offer our most sincere condolences”reacted in a press release Emile Roger Lombertie, mayor of Limoges, deploring a “tragic accident”.

Burned vehicles in the Beaubreuil district

The crash led to scuffles overnight around the crash site, but calm quickly returned. The firefighters confirmed to AFP that vehicles had been set on fire in the priority district of Beaubreuil. “Grief expressed through anger cannot justify any violence. No amount of violence will bring these two boys back to life.reacted the mayor of Limoges. “Appeasement and contemplation are necessary to accompany families and friends in their grief.” The Haute-Vienne prefecture did not wish to comment, referring to the Limoges prosecutor’s office, which must communicate on the case during the day.

These two deaths come just over a month after the death at the end of June of young Nahel, 17, killed after refusing to comply in Nanterre. His death had triggered several nights of urban violence in the country. They were marked by clashes between rioters and the police, scenes of looting, firing of fireworks at public buildings and fires.

Updated August 6 at 2:25 p.m. with more information.

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