What we know about the means deployed during these new excavations

They should last “several days”, even “several weeks” according to a spokesperson for the region of Gendarmerie of Occitania. Of
new excavations began this Monday morning in Cagnac-les-Mines and its surroundings as part of
the Jubillar case. The soldiers are looking for the body of the nurse who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, but also for clues that could enlighten the investigators on what happened during the evening at the home of the Jubillar couple.

For months, they have been convinced that Cédric, Delphine’s husband, is behind the disappearance of the 33-year-old nurse. They gathered “serious and concordant clues” which led to his indictment for “murder” on June 18. A thesis which would have been confirmed in recent weeks after the statements of a fellow prisoner to members of the Toulouse research section.

The latter affirms that he collected the confessions of Cédric Jubillar at the Seysses remand center. The plasterer would have told him to have buried his wife in a farm located less than two kilometers from his home. A confession that he would also have made to Séverine, his new companion. This is one of the reasons for his placement in police custody in mid-December. But after 36 hours, the latter was released without pursuit, denying having gone with this famous fellow prisoner near the place called Drignac at the request of Cédric.

A hundred gendarmes and soldiers deployed

It is however on this place that the gendarmes returned this Monday morning. “We are resuming the excavations, they have never stopped, resources have always been committed”, continues the spokesperson for the gendarmerie. This time, however, they are more substantial. Beyond the gendarmes of the Tarn group and those of the Toulouse research section, in charge of the investigation, more specialized means are on the ground.

This time there are members of the Institute for Criminal Research of the National Gendarmerie, a unit that deals with scientific investigations, analyzes of criminal samples. At the same time, the soldiers of the “Specialized Operational Excavation” service of the 17th parachute engineer regiment of Montauban, are also in the game. Specialized in field excavations, these men have already intervened in
the Estelle Mouzin case.

“The big particularity of this case is that we are in hilly areas, difficult terrain which complicates the search”, continues the representative of the gendarmerie. To help these already large numbers in their research, they will receive support from Tuesday from a mobile gendarmerie squadron. That is more than a hundred people deployed in the field.

The farm already excavated

If these excavations are of a significant scale by the means used, they are not the first in this file. In particular at the burned farm indicated by the fellow prisoner as being the burial place of Delphine Jubillar. “This idea that the body would be buried in this farm which burned down has been known to the investigating services since June. I think that all the investigations have already been made there, and they have been made, that’s for sure. If they want to go back, it was done badly the first time, but they’re going back. If this man’s claim is serious, why haven’t we found her? “, wondered last Tuesday Jean-Baptiste Alary, one of the three lawyers of Cédric Jubillar.

That day, he pleaded for the release of his client before the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal. A request again rejected on Friday, while the nurse’s husband must be questioned again in early February by the examining magistrates. The latter want to hear in particular about what he could have said to his fellow prisoner and his new companion.

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