What we know about Dhabia B., suspected of having killed the 12-year-old schoolgirl

During the debate behind closed doors before the judges of freedoms and detention (JLD), this woman with wavy brown hair, pulled up in a bun, presented herself with a blue tracksuit, a gray T-shirt and a light sweatshirt on the shoulders. Indicted for “murder” and “aggravated rape”, Dhabia B., 24, was remanded in custody late Monday afternoon, three days after the discovery, in a trunk, in Paris, of the body of Lola, a 12-year-old schoolgirl. The three investigating magistrates, to whom the judicial investigation has been entrusted, will try to understand the unfolding of the facts, to pierce the personality of the suspect and to better understand her motivations.

What do we know about her? Born in Algeria on April 12, 1998, Dhabia B. “is not known to the police”, but had been “victim of domestic violence” in 2018, said Tuesday. on RTL the minister of the Interior. The young woman “arrived regularly, as a student, on national territory” in 2016, added Gérald Darmanin. Unemployed, Dhabia B. was arrested on August 21 by the PAF (the air and border police), in a French airport, for lack of a residence permit. An obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) within thirty days was then issued to him automatically. “Things were done under conditions, I believe, which are unfortunately unpredictable,” assured the minister.

“Fluctuating” declarations

Homeless, the suspect was arrested Saturday morning in Bois-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), after spending the night with a man she had met a few hours earlier. The police were on the trail of this young woman, seen Friday on the images of the surveillance cameras of the building where Lola lived. The same day, she had been seen, a little before 5 p.m., in the lobby of the building, with a trunk and two suitcases. In the street, she asked a man for help to carry this plastic crate which seemed so heavy. She also told him she was selling human organs. Worried, the witness called the police and described the car in which she fled. The plastic crate, which contained the body of the victim, was finally found around 11:20 p.m., by a 42-year-old homeless man, in the inner courtyard of the building where the teenager and her family lived.

The autopsy reveals that Lola succumbed to “cardiorespiratory failure with asphyxiation”. In police custody, the statements of Dhabia B. were “fluctuating”, “oscillating between recognition and dispute of the facts”, explained in a press release the public prosecutor of Paris, Laure Beccuau. It emerges from her hearings “that she would have taken the victim to her sister’s apartment, living in the same building as the child, that she would have forced him to take a shower before committing attacks on her sexual nature and other violence resulting in death, and that she would have concealed the body in the box, ”added the magistrate. On the other hand, she did not mention with the investigators this conversation that she would have had with a witness “about the sale of organs”.

“It does not have light on all floors”

The suspect, who would suffer from mental disorders, will be the subject of additional expertise. According The Parisian, her older sister, with whom she had been living for several weeks, told the police that Dahbia B. had been marginalized for a few years. She was talking confused and incoherent. “She doesn’t have light on all floors, but she’s not crazy”, summarizes 20 minutes a police source.

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