what to remember from the fifth day of the russian offensive

Nicolas Tonev (from Ukraine), Marion Gauthier (from Poland), with Europe1.fr
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10:49 p.m., February 28, 2022


Russian and Ukrainian delegations began talks on Monday to try to end the war in Ukraine, on the fifth day of a Russian invasion which has already driven more than 500,000 Ukrainians to flee their country. These first negotiations took place when the forces of Vladimir Poutine encounter fierce resistance from the Ukrainian army, and that the sanctions of an unprecedented scale adopted by the West are shaking the Russian economy. Europe 1 takes stock of the situation.

The main information to remember:

– Talks started between Russian and Ukrainian delegations

– The noose is tightening around Kiev, which is resisting the Russian assaults

– 500,000 refugees from Ukraine registered

A first day of talks

After talks between the two parties, the Russian and Ukrainian delegations have left the negotiating table in Belarus and are returning for “consultations in their respective capitals”. A “second round” of talks has already been agreed. According to one of the Russian negotiators, Vladimir Medinski, this new meeting would take place “soon” on the Polish-Belarusian border. Kiev notably demanded “an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of (Russian) troops from Ukrainian territory”. President Zelensky, who is not taking part in the negotiations and whose delegation is led by Defense Minister Oleksiï Reznikov, has called on Russian soldiers from Kiev to “lay down their arms”.

He also asked the EU for “immediate” integration of Ukraine. “I’m sure it’s right. I’m sure it’s possible,” he said. The process of integrating a new country into the EU usually takes years. European Council President Charles Michel stressed that there are “different opinions” on this subject which requires unanimity.

For his part, the head of the Russian delegation, the Kremlin adviser Vladimir Medinski, told him that he wanted to “find an agreement” with Kiev which would be “in the interest of both parties”. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to state Russian demands, stressing that the negotiations should be done “in silence”.

But a tense situation on the ground…

While both parties are at the negotiating table, the situation on the ground remains very tense. Our special correspondent in Zhytomyr, a city some 150 km west of Ukraine, testifies to frequent bombardments. But the planes continue to fly over the city at an average altitude. We hear the engines of these devices, as if the pilots were looking for targets, or at least were trying to impress the population.

There was also automatic weapon fire also tonight, clearly audible. It is a total isolation that is being put in place: no more buses, no more connections to the outside. The fear is that the Russian troops are trying to get closer, and the city is barricaded.

… especially in Kiev

On the ground, Kiev said Monday that the Russian army had tried overnight to storm the capital – where a curfew was in place for much of the weekend – but that the attacks had been repelled. As soon as the curfew was lifted on Monday morning, residents lined up calmly in front of the few food stores still open.

The city now bristles with makeshift barricades, tires, furniture, old Lada across the road, guarded by armed volunteers, yellow bands on their arms. The Russian army assured that the civilians could leave Kiev “freely” and accused the Ukrainian authorities of using them as a “human shield”, raising the specter of a large-scale assault.

An uncertain record

The outcome of the conflict so far remains uncertain. Ukraine has reported some 200 civilians and dozens of military personnel killed since Thursday. Among the victims, 16 children. The UN said on Monday it recorded 102 civilians killed, including 7 children, and 304 injured, but warned that the actual figures “are considerably” higher. The Russian army admitted for the first time on Sunday that it had identified “dead” and “injured” in its invasion of Ukraine, without giving figures.

More than 500,000 Ukrainian refugees, according to UNHCR

The stream of refugees fleeing Ukraine continues to grow. Since Thursday, more than 500,000 refugees have fled to neighboring countries, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said on Monday. The EU said it expected more than seven million displaced people. A majority go to Poland, where a large Ukrainian community was already settled before the conflict. Very close to the border, our special correspondent saw trains full of refugees arriving. Among them, Viktoria and Oleg who are finally breathing after more than 30 hours on the train. From the neighboring region of Donbass to Poland. “It was horrible”, he testifies at the microphone of Europe 1. “So many people in such a small car … There were a lot of children, no place to move, no toilet.”

If the father of the family was not mobilized like the other Ukrainians, it is because he already has three children and a fourth to be born. “It’s terrible because we left behind our brothers, our uncles who are fighting,” said Viktoria. “Many are injured in Dnipro, it’s very hard to hold back my tears.” The mother, however, sketches a brave smile and makes her way through the motley crowd of exhausted refugees and busy volunteers.

And despite the fatigue, there is still a long way to go to reach Warsaw and the roof offered by friends. In the hall of this station, the loudspeakers repeat at will that the trains are free for all those who present a Ukrainian passport.

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