what the text voted in the National Assembly contains

As expected, the battle for the amending finance bill (PLFR) for 2022 will have been tough. After passing the Purchasing Power Protection Bill at first reading in a tense atmosphere, the Assembly validated the financing of the “purchasing power package” on the night of Tuesday 26 to Wednesday 27 July. Overview of the main changes adopted in the text discussed since Friday at the Palais-Bourbon and now validated at first reading.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Budget: bogged down debates and raw nerves in the National Assembly

Abolition of the audiovisual license fee

The abolition of the fee which finances France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde (RFI and France 24), INA and Arte, a promise by Emmanuel Macron, was voted without incident, although it raises many questions. on independence.

Amendments from the presidential majority and the Republican (LR) deputies were adopted to affect ” a fraction “ value added tax (VAT) on public broadcasting, for an amount of approximately 3.7 billion euros. A levy on VAT has the advantage of isolating the resources allocated to public broadcasting from the general budget of the State. The affected tax system is preserved and with it a form of guarantee of resources.

Read also: The abolition of the audiovisual license fee approved at first reading in the Assembly

Aid to departments and municipalities, oil heating

A new illustration of the difficulties encountered by the government, in the absence of an absolute majority at the Palais-Bourbon, several amendments to the draft amending budget for 2022 have been adopted. Despite the opposition of Renaissance deputies (ex-La République en Marche), the National Assembly has decided to allocate 120 million euros to the departments which pay the active solidarity income (RSA) in 2022, to fully offset the increase 4% of this benefit provided by the State. This first snub for the government took place by the conjunction of the favorable votes of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), the National Rally (RN), the group Les Républicains but also – for the first time – the deputies of the group Horizons, ally of the majority. 180 million euros have also been allocated to municipalities to compensate for the thawing of the index point for municipal officials.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Within the majority, the warning of supporters of Edouard Philippe to Emmanuel Macron

The government suffered another setback in the Assembly with the vote of support to the tune of 230 million euros for oil-fired fireplaces. The executive tried to defend a more targeted measure aimed at low-income households with a budget of 50 million euros, but the amendment of deputy LR Jérôme Nury (Orne) won thanks to the alliance of Nupes, of LR and RN.

Increase in the fuel discount and extension of the price shield

On fuels, the government has acted a compromise with LR for the continuation of the fuel discount : the measure, to be specified by decree, will increase the rebate from 18 to 30 euro cents in September and October, then to 10 cents in November and December.

The National Assembly rejected in extremis a tax on the “superprofits” of large groups. The TotalEnergies group has promised a discount at the pump of 20 cents per liter between September and November, then 10 cents until the end of the year.

Existing since the fall of 2021, the tariff shield which frames gas prices was to end on June 30, but has been extended until December 31, in a decree published on Sunday June 26 at Official newspaper.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At LR, the specter of the “sugar tile in coffee”

Redemption of RTT and tax exemption for overtime

The LRs mostly voted for the PLFR being satisfied with the “positive showdown with the government”in the words of the president of the deputies of the LR group Olivier Marleix, which made it possible to record the purchase of RTTs by companies – a promise made by presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse – or even an increase in the tax exemption ceiling for overtime.

MEPs also voted to double the tax-free aid that companies can pay to employees to cover their fuel costs, raising the ceiling from 200 to 400 euros. Finally, elected officials validated a measure favorable to the increase in meal vouchers, anticipating the revaluation of exemptions for employers.

Renationalization of EDF

The National Assembly has voted to finance by the State the 100% renationalisation of EDF, a 9.7 billion euro operation intended to get the electricity production and supply group out of its financial rut and industrial. The State, which currently owns 83.9% of EDF, announced in early July its intention to launch a public takeover bid for the entire capital of the energy company. Provided that the amending finance law is promulgated with the necessary appropriations for 2022, the government intends to submit its offer by the beginning of September with the Autorité des marchés financiers. The parliamentary shuttle will now be able to follow its course, the text being, for the moment, registered on the agenda of the Senate as of Monday 1er august.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Renationalizing EDF, a political message that alone will not solve the group’s difficulties

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