What should you do if all your wishes are denied or on hold? Minister Sylvie Retailleau answers you

Ten wishes, six refused, four pending, all beyond 1000th place. You may have experienced this cold shower Thursday evening, when the Parcoursup results opened. But don’t panic, nothing is over! There are still chances of finally being included in your wishes on the waiting list, updated every day, in the complementary procedure, which opens on June 11. The Minister of Higher Education and Research Sylvie Retailleau responds for 20 minutes to those disappointed from the first hour.

“Everything is not at stake with Parcoursup this year,” also reassures the minister, referring to the bridges that exist in higher education. Support for students continues until the baccalaureate for high school students. And for those who are stuck, a toll-free number is open at 0800 400 070.

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