What recommendations to follow for the end of the year celebrations in all serenity?

In ten days or so, the French will be meeting with family for Christmas and with friends for New Year (or the other way around, or both). On this occasion, a small booster shot (in addition to the vaccine) is required.
In its notice dated December 8, the Scientific Council has established a series of preventive measures to combat the rapid expansion of the Omicron variant and prevent a new wave of coronavirus contamination.

While many recommendations are the responsibility of government and institutions, a paragraph is specifically addressed to citizens. Indeed, the Council notes that it is “during private meetings” that “individual protection measures are less well respected”. It therefore lists the right reflexes to adopt to limit contamination.

Test yourself, ventilate and limit the number of guests

“For family gatherings such as Christmas meals, it is recommended to limit the number of participants, to ensure that frail people have received their booster dose, to regularly ventilate the premises for at least ten minutes every hour. », Say the experts. The press release also recalls the importance of washing hands and, for those receiving guests, of disinfecting surfaces with which they may come into contact.

It is also advisable to perform a self-test the same day or an antigen test the day before or the day of the family reunion. “The self-test can be a useful back-up solution: it allows you to know if you are contagious, and must therefore be carried out the same day if you plan to go to a private event where the barrier measures will not be strictly observed” , specifies the opinion.

“It is essential not to expose yourself to other people if you are symptomatic, and to be tested quickly”, concludes the Council for which there is no miracle solution “but rather the addition several measures each having a limited impact, but which becomes important when they are combined ”.

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