What memories will you keep of the immense career of “Rodgeur”?

His elegance and his lightness had almost made him an immortal player, indifferent to the passage of time and to the young wolves who rise. But this time, the body said stop for good. At 41, Roger Federer will not succeed in another stunning comeback.

“It’s a bittersweet decision because I will miss everything the circuit has given me. But, at the same time, there are so many things to celebrate, ”said the former Grand Slam title record holder, since overtaken by Rafael Nadal (22) then Novak Djokovic (21). “I was gifted with a gift for playing tennis and raised it to a level I never could have imagined and for far longer than I thought possible,” he explained. in a long message on social networks, formalizing his retirement after more than 1,500 matches on the ATP circuit

What memories do you keep Roger Federer ? What are the victories that have marked you the most? The defeats that saddened you? Will his aura in fact be the greatest player of all time, even if this is no longer the case at the level of the prize list? You can testify in the form below.

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