What is this blood-drinking black fly proliferating in Spain?

Severe itching, blindness, hospitalization, etc. In Spain, the National Association of Environmental Health Societies (Anecpla) alerts populations to the proliferation of a particular fly species: the blackfly. The bites of this black fly can have very harmful consequences, sending some of its victims to the emergency room. 20 minutes explains everything to you.

How do you recognize a black fly?

As the specialized site explains nuitsansmoustique.fr, these insects are smaller than house flies, barely exceeding four millimeters in length. But their real particularity lies in their diet: blackflies feed on our blood. Only females are hematophagous and human blood allows them to develop their eggs. “Blood is the supply of proteins and growth factors for the future generation”, notes the specialized site.

What can a black fly bite cause?

Unlike mosquitoes, these flies do not bite but bite, which can cause severe itching. “The final effect is a mark of several centimeters that often bleeds, accompanied by a high swelling that can last up to a month”, notes the Spanish association in a press release. As the director general of Anecpla Sergio Monge also explains in a press release, this “saw-shaped” bite causes “a significant injury […] which can give rise to very alarming infections and allergic reactions, which in some cases may even require hospitalization”.

And that’s counting without diseases. Among them, onchocerciasis. “Onchocerciasis is manifested by very strong itching, a skin attack which can disfigure and lead to visual impairment which can go as far as blindness”, warns theWorld Health Organization. However, this disease is only present in West Africa. So don’t panic in France, nor in Spain. “It does not act as a vector for the transmission of diseases in our country”, indicates the Spanish association in its press release. However, “it is vital that we are alert to this risk because, if we do not control it properly, we could be in the early stages of a major public health problem in our country,” adds Sergio Monge. .

These flies can also be dangerous to animals. Some blackflies can transmit diseases and kill farm animals, as can be read in the columns of the specialized media The dairy farmer.

So how do you avoid the bite?

In its press release, Anecpla gives some advice to avoid being bitten by these little beasts: “Wear light-colored clothes, without bright colors that could attract swarms. Avoid walking along rivers or areas near rivers, especially in the late afternoon. Install screens on doors and windows in high-risk areas. Avoid accumulation of water outside the house and keep water tanks covered. » Repellents can also be effective against blackflies. Finally, in case of bites and complications, contact health professionals.

Why are the number of black flies exploding in Spain?

Because global warming. “High temperatures are one of the main factors for a peak in the volume of the black fly population,” says Anecpla director general Jorge Galván. Indeed, with generally higher temperatures, the breeding period of black flies lengthens. If the latter normally extends from spring to the end of summer, global warming allows birds to breed earlier in spring and continue their small business until autumn.

Finally, are there black flies in France?

The presence of this fly has already been observed for many years in France. “Usually, we have feedback from pharmacists who see the victims of injections parade during the month of August. For the moment, we have not had any signals”, notes Gérard Duvallet, medical and veterinary entomologist, who speaks this Tuesday in The Parisian.

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