what is the strategy of “rotting”?

Jacques Serais, edited by Gauthier Delomez
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11:33 a.m., June 23, 2022

Emmanuel Macron spoke to the French on Wednesday evening, three days after his party’s setback in the legislative elections. He recognized fractures, and said he was ready to govern “differently”. This new method promised by the president can be translated in a word, the strategy of “rotting” dear to some of his advisers.


Three days after the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron spoke to the French on Wednesday evening in an eight-minute televised address. The Head of State recognized “the fractures” shown by this election. “We must learn to govern differently,” he explained. In reality, the President of the Republic disclaims all responsibility. His new method is in a way the end of the Jupiterian presidency, at least in appearance.

Without a short-term solution, the Head of State very clearly returns the ball to the opposition parties. “It’s up to the political groups to say in complete transparency how far they are ready to go”, he explains when Emmanuel Macron had just received the representatives of the political forces sitting in the new National Assembly.

How Macron is pushing to the point of no return

While it is up to the government to make proposals, Emmanuel Macron reverses the roles to better push to the point of no return. This is the strategy of “rotting” dear to some of his advisers, as if for him it was a question of gaining time and calling the French as witnesses, the witnesses of a deadlock situation which cannot last forever.

This may be the reason why the Elysée tenant did not mention his Prime Minister once, Elisabeth Borne. Simple oversight or voluntary action? The hyper-presidency is never far away. Hunt the natural, it comes back at a gallop.

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