What is sand therapy, these sand baths to relax?

Who would’ve believed that ? The Japanese city of Beppu offers tourists and locals the opportunity to enjoy therapeutic sand baths. Baptized “sablotherapy”, this practice is also being emulated in other Japanese cities, as well as in other countries such as Egypt. This has been the case for several years at the Beppu Kaihin Sunayu, where for ten dollars, men and women can ask to be buried in the sand to benefit from the virtues of each grain deposited on the whole body.

Covered in hot sand

More supervised, sand therapy, also known as psammatotherapy and arenotherapy, is not practiced on a lambda beach, let alone in direct sunlight. This sand therapy is actually practiced under supervision. And a small nuance, it is not enough to dig a hole in the sand to let yourself be buried there, but to have yourself modeled with hot sand by experts. Only the head, which itself rests on a cushion of sand, remains exposed. At first glance, this technique seems ridiculous, and yet, it would bring many advantages for those who are used to indulging in it, starting with a total feeling of relaxation and well-being.

The benefits of sand therapy

In the list of advantages of these sand baths, we count: the elimination of toxins, and therefore the impurities of the skin. But also the activation of the blood microcirculation, which makes the skin tissues benefit from the minerals present in the sand. The skin therefore emerges more radiant and healthier.

Sand baths would also be beneficial for relieving certain rheumatisms. However, it is better to talk to your doctor before throwing yourself… in the sand. Finally, grains of sand are known to be effective exfoliants. Sand therapy therefore helps to get rid of dead skin. The duration of the baths ranges from 5 to 15 minutes only. Something to be aware of, because burying yourself in the sand for too long can obviously be dangerous.

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