What is known about the shots at Bremerhaven’s Lloyd-Gymnasium

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Emergency services were quickly on site and secured the area.

Image: Radio Bremen | Boris Hellmers

A 21-year-old seriously injured a woman at a school in Bremerhaven, and her life is still in danger. Students barricaded themselves in the rooms. That is known about the fact.

An armed man seriously injured an employee at a Bremerhaven high school in the morning. According to the public prosecutor’s office, she was still in mortal danger in the early evening. Students were not affected. The alleged perpetrator was arrested. Around 140 schoolchildren, who initially had to remain in the building, were able to leave it in the early afternoon.

What happened at school this morning?
What is certain is that an armed man entered the school building of the Lloyd-Gymnasium on Grazer Strasse around 9 a.m. According to the police, the 21-year-old shot an employee there. The woman was seriously injured. She came to a hospital. She is currently in mortal danger. There were about 140 students in the school, which was significantly fewer than usual. The reason for this is, among other things, the Abi period, today re-examinations should take place.
Police officers run behind a barrier.
A SEK from Bremen was also in action.

Image: Radio Bremen | Martina Niemann

What do you now know about the process?
A student said to buten un binnen that shortly before the start of the lesson there had been an announcement with the code word for amok alarm. At first they assumed an exercise. This is one of the alarm scenarios that the school practices regularly. But then the student saw the ambulance and the police from the window. The emergency services were quickly on site and secured the area.

The students would have locked themselves in classrooms with the teachers. The police were able to locate and arrest the alleged perpetrator shortly thereafter. A special task force from Bremen then searched the school to rule out other perpetrators. The police assume it was a lone perpetrator.

Some of the people could only leave the school after several hours. An information hotline has been set up by the Bremerhaven magistrate for parents and relatives. The evacuation measures were completed around 2 p.m. All those affected were then given psychological care.

What is known about the perpetrator and his motive?
So far almost nothing. The police are still very covered. However, footage that could be related to the incidents is circulating on social media. A video shows a young man sitting next to a traffic light on a street corner and looking around calmly. Next to him is an object that looks like a crossbow. Then he lies down on the floor with his arms folded behind his back.

Finally, a pedestrian stops and pushes the object away. Then several police vehicles stop, officers jump out and apparently arrest the man lying on the ground. It is unclear whether the video really shows the arrest of the alleged perpetrator – i.e. is authentic. The police said nothing about it, it was checked, they just said.

This topic in the program:
Bremen Four, running, May 19, 2022, 5:15 p.m

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