What is it like to lose a parent as a young person? – Munich

At the beginning of 2023, the world stops for Laura Di Lizio: her father unexpectedly dies of cancer. The lives of her peers suddenly seem strange to her and she feels misunderstood. What is it like to lose a parent as a young person?

A tanned man with a distinctive mustache stands on the coast of Italy and looks contentedly into the camera. He puts his arm protectively around his daughter, and she also laughs happily. Next to the photo that captured this moment are two candles and several small stones. One reads: “You will be a part of me forever.” There are two armchairs around the table with the photo, and a string of lights hangs on the wall. Shortly after her father’s death, Laura Di Lizio sat in this mourning corner in her shared room every evening to be close to her dad.

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