“What is female masturbation for? »

“What is the use of female masturbation”? This is one of the many questions of A guide to female masturbationby author Julia Pietri, published by The pocket book (7.90 euros). The founder of the Instagram account @gangduclito, director of the feminism publishing house, Better Call Julia, wants with this book “to free the subject of female masturbation, (…) to move the world forward. A woman who gets pleasure without feeling guilty is a free woman. »

Discovery and reappropriation of the body, taboos on female pleasure, taking one’s place, as a woman, “in bed as in the street”, we talk about female masturbation and politics with Julia Pietri in this episode of Everything is explained. Listen to this interview for free in the audio player above.

For Julia Pietri, the question of female masturbation, and therefore of female pleasure, is eminently political. “The subject is, I would say, almost political at present, underlines the author in this interview. It is at the center of the collective imagination that promotes the culture of rape in our societies. This is where the idea that women cannot enjoy comes from. (…) That they are potential victims, potential bodies to be violated”. “Reclaiming your body is the beginning of politically reclaiming a place, an equality, in the public space, in politics, in work, in the family, in the couple”, specifies Julia Pietri.

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