What is “Byfurk”?

“The planet is hiring. » The slogan of “Byfurk” is clear. Here, the ecological transition will be at the heart of all projects. The Strasbourg structure, supported by the Cooperative Society of Collective Interest (Scic), has just been created. With a specific goal: “to support all people who have decided to serve the transition with a job that makes sense, respects human relationships and preserves living things,” explains its co-founder Philippe Kuhn.

Each project that may fall within this framework may be supported. Humanly first with “mentors” specialized in the field. Legally also with a whole specialized team. And finally financially, this is one of the new features.

“If the person launches into a crowdfunding campaign and obtains, for example, 5,000 euros on Ulule or another platform, the Eurométropole de Strasbourg (EMS) adds the same sum, as well as one or more private actors. This allows you to start with triple that, here 15,000 euros,” continues the ex-professor.

Support from experts

Justine Rist is not there yet. This trained cook is simply “writing and refining” her project. Which ? “Making plant-based cuisine popular in gastronomy. Whether through support or advice from professionals, but also through events, podcasts, Web series. » In short, many ideas which now need to be ordered. Hence “Byfurk” to whom she should soon submit her file.

Françoise Gutmann (left) in the middle of the “forum theater”. – Françoise Gutmann

“It could allow me to be supported by experts in the social and solidarity economy who will help me structure all of this. I want it to stay in this circle because these are values ​​that I want to uphold,” explains the thirty-year-old, without mentioning the financial aspect. No more than Françoise Gutmann, who imagines a future as a “facilitator”. That is to say “allow people to give the best of themselves. And within a team, facilitate group dynamics for better collaboration and construction,” specifies the fifty-year-old who therefore organizes “forum theaters” where conflicts are resolved. “Everyone puts themselves in the other’s place and that allows us to understand each other better. »

She also “doesn’t really know how to approach companies or structures” that might need her services. Hence Byfurk, ​​again. “I already have a referent, Philippe Kuhn, who helps me a lot and above all I hope to join a network. Funding tripled? Yes it could give me more foundations to start with but I haven’t seen the color yet! »

An impact study beforehand

For this to happen, it will have to already pass the “impact study which will be carried out by an external service provider” box. “The idea will be to verify the ecological, social and societal impact,” specifies the co-founder. “Then if it works, the call for crowdfunding will allow citizens to say whether they want to have this project in their territory or not. Another real test. » So the Eurometropolis will therefore abound, or not in the event of failure. The Strasbourg intermunicipality has committed to paying 50,000 euros for 2023 to help around ten projects, “and could contribute 100,000 euros in 2024”, according to Philippe Kuhn. Always for people living in the area.

The first “byfurkers” could “be ready” by the end of the year. “We have five or even six people who have started their projects, but we are open to many others,” concludes the co-founder in the form of an appeal.

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