What is a Step-by-Step ADEX Closed Beta Test?

What is ADEX closed beta?

The ADEX closed beta launches on April 11th with an ADEX Closed Beta Test Month campaign to give back to the community. This is a guideline for participants to explain how to complete the test. for more details Please join the official TG/DC community. Click the link below on the story.

The ADEX Closed Beta Test campaign will run from April 11 to April 30 in this test. It uses a special authorization mechanism. The winner of Round 1 has been selected. But don’t be sad if you’re not on the 1st round’s whitelist because there are still 2 rounds of campaigns for you to whitelist! If you’re one of the Whitelist winners, congratulations and thanks for joining! Please feel free to contact the official admins in the Telegram and Discord communities if you have any questions during the test.

to facilitate your participation Please read the following instructions.

First, you’ll need a native Cardano wallet. We currently support Nami and Yoroi. Please follow step 1 to create a wallet. If you already have You can go directly to step 2.

Tap to select a wallet to install.




Nani Wallet Creation Steps

Install the Chrome extension (Chrome Extension), Brave or Edge for the Nami wallet, then create a new wallet and note the Seed Phrase. Finally, set your account and password.

Steps to create a Yoroi bag

Once you have the Yoroi Wallet extension, follow all the steps to bring you to this page. First, click Create Wallet -> Select Cardano and Create Wallet. Then set your Wallet Name and Password. Finally, Save. Seed Phrase backs up your wallet

Steps to create a lace bag

After the Lace wallet extension is installed, follow all the steps to bring you to this page. First click New Wallet, then tick Accept Terms of Service and click Next. OK, then give your wallet a name and click Next to set a password and verify it. Click Next to save your passphrase. Finally, enter your secret passphrase. and then click on my wallet to go to the homepage of your wallet

Before testing, you must have a certain amount of ADA in your wallet, your Cardano will be used for testing and transaction fees, the amount of ADA is unlimited, but if you don’t have ADA in your wallet, please purchase on Binance Also, make sure the maximum of each transaction is 10 ADA during our testing. Please be careful with the privacy and security of your property.

Things to know before starting testing

Please note that for the safety of your belongings. We have set a maximum transaction limit of 10 ADA during testing.

Nami and Yoroi cannot be used at the same time. when you use one Be sure to turn off any others on the Manage Extensions page.

The main function of the ADEX beta is to add liquidity swaps. and withdraw liquidity Please log in to the ADEX website, connect your wallet. and start testing


1. Connect your wallet on this page. Then click the Swap button at the top and Swap ADA to get our other tokens.

2. Try using a small amount of ADA to buy other tokens. You can also check the transaction details via the symbol ⚙️. (The maximum amount of each transaction is 10 ADA in beta testing)

3. Click Confirm. Swap

4. Wait for the transaction to process.

5. Order completed. At this stage you will receive Token1 as Test Token.

Create Pool

1. Click on ‘Earn’ And come to the page as shown below and click the ‘Deposit’ button to increase liquidity.

2. Select the two tokens you want to create a Pool, enter the amount you want. Then click the ‘Create’ button to confirm.

3. Click ‘Confirm’

4. Wait for the transaction to process.

5. Order has been successfully created. You have now created a Pool.

increase liquidity

1. Click on ‘Earn’ and come to the page as shown below and click the ‘Deposit’ button to increase liquidity.

2. Enter the amount of ADA and 2 tokens you wish to add to the Pool, then click the “Add” button to confirm.

3. Click ‘Confirm’

4. Wait for the transaction to process.

5. Your order has been sent successfully. Then the order will be created automatically.

6. Click Order Hash and go to the page where you can check the transaction details on the Cardano Blockchain browser.

liquidity withdrawal

  1. Click on the ‘ buttonWithdraw’ to withdraw your liquidity from Pool

2. You can check your order record on ADEX by clicking on the ‘My Orders’ button.

When finished, please give us feedback.

Great! That’s it, ADEX Closed Beta Test is now complete. You will need to fill out a form with your comments and wallet address participating in this test to receive the Airdrop!

You can fill out the information at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZVTcfh8NNDedIZXX01308Gw50y3Thkq5v8ce8-r0yO3Ydig/viewform?usp=pp_url

Finally, after ADEX Closed Beta, version V1 will be released on mainnet and V2 will be released in the next two months. Stay tuned for more information on ADEX. Various social media of ADEX You can keep it.+

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