What does this have to do with Android and Bluetooth

Google likes to use animal names for codenames. For many years, Nexus and Pixel smartphones have been named after fish. This is also the case with the new Bluetooth stack. Gabeldorsche is the name of the internal project that will be finalized with Android 13.

So Google is currently redesigning Android’s Bluetooth software. A big project, because Bluetooth has to have extremely extensive compatibility. But at the same time, of course, the latest features and improvements should be integrated. This is happening right now.

Google rebuilds Bluetooth base for Android

Forkbeard or forkbeard appeared as early as Android 11. The new Bluetooth stack in Android may not be immediately noticeable to users, but it promises more security and stability. An integration also occurs into the new Android Automotive 13.

Google had the plan, to rebuild the Bluetooth stack, that is, the stack of Bluetooth software, for Android. Here, as in some other areas, Android has suffered in recent years from the fact that some components are probably still from very old times.

Bluetooth: Google strives to make everything better than it used to be

Bluetooth is used extremely frequently in everyday life with smartphones. For me, the module hasn’t been switched off at all for years. But of course these interfaces are not as stable and efficient when the integrated software is outdated.

If we think back to the first generation of wireless Pixel Buds, there were extremely severe problems with the Bluetooth connection “back then”. And the Pixel devices could also be criticized for years for mediocre radio quality. Google is getting better.

What do you often use Bluetooth for in everyday life? For me mainly in the car (because VW doesn’t offer Spotify directly) and for my Google Pixel Buds Pro.

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