What does the “small riders pass” authorize?

As of January 1, owners of cars with a Crit’Air 4 sticker will no longer be able to drive in a large part of Toulouse, that which falls within the low emission zone (ZFE). And in 2024, this will be the case for motorists with a Crit’Air 3 sticker. A measure taken to reduce air pollution but which, for many months, has been the subject of strong criticism. In particular of those who do not have the means to change their vehicle, despite the system of financial aid deployed by the metropolis. Those who rarely come to town or use their car little were not left out.

“We had a fairly large demand from citizens who drive little. They are often retirees or people who come to Toulouse sporadically”, recognizes François Chollet, vice-president of the metropolis in charge of ecology, sustainable development and energy transition. For the latter, the community has therefore decided to set up a “small riders pass” to the EPZthe implementation of which will be voted on this Thursday during the metropolitan council.

Thus, 52 days a year, or on average once a week, these drivers of old vehicles, whether individuals or professionals, will be authorized to drive in town. “It will work like a counterfoil book. A platform will be set up at the end of January. People will have to register once and each time they ride in the ZFE, they will apply online, at least one day before. They will then receive a booklet that they can print and put on their dashboard, ”says the elected official who was inspired by the system put in place by Belgium.

Extension of bonuses to Crit’Air 3 under consideration

This derogation therefore gives the right to 52 days per year, like what is done in Lyon. In Strasbourg, this “small riders” pass is for 24 days on the same mode of operation when, in Montpellier, it concerns those who drive less than 8,000 km/year. In Toulouse, this measure may ultimately concern nearly 45,000 drivers with vehicles registered before September 2013 for diesels and September 2009 for gasoline vehicles.

As the deadlines for progressive implementation approach, the community is considering expanding its aid system. “It falls in a period of inflation, which is not easy. We are looking at whether we can develop the bonus system to extend it to owners of Crit’Air 3 vehicles, as well as motorcyclists,” announces François Chollet, who should be able to indicate the feasibility of these devices in February.

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