What does season 2 of this “Loft Story” of humor look like?

One of the first questions that we usually ask an artist during an interview is to ask him why he agreed to take part in the project for which he is being interviewed. But when we face the participants of the second season of LOL: who laughs, comes outwhose first three episodes are available from this Friday on Amazon Prime Video, the question is reversed: are there any reasons not to say yes to this show?

“There is no reason not to participate,” replies tit for tat Alexandra Lamy. The one who won the first edition of the game returns this year, not to try not to laugh at the jokes of her comrades but to share her experience alongside Philippe Lacheau who still referees the program. “I really wanted to be in the room again but it would have been a bit complicated, it would have been a big challenge”, indicates the actress.

“They are killers in the cast”

Alexandra Lamy therefore gives way to ten well-known faces of comedy and humor: Eric and Ramzy, Melha Bedia, Gérard Darmon, Alice David, Audrey Fleurot, Camille Lellouche, Panayotis Pascot, Just Riadh and Ahmed Sylla. From the first minutes, hiding his grin will be very difficult for the cast members who will see the yellow cards pass before their eyes. “The level of holding back laughter is perhaps lower than in the first season, but the level of humor is still quite impressive. They are killers in the cast, ”comments Philippe Lacheau.

Like last year, contestants have (officially) six hours to try and make their buddies chuckle. “In reality it was hard, reacts Eric Judor. It was ten or twelve hours of filming”. As soon as they set foot on the floor of the studio, everything is done so that the participants forget the framework of the game, like a reality show. “You are thrown into this setting, you never see the cameras, we don’t have the time, there is no daylight… It’s the loft story laughter”, compares Alice David.

When competition and benevolence collide

Before filming, some personalities practiced not laughing with some of their friends… For results that were not always convincing. So other celebrities have decided to join forces, like Melha Bedia and Camille Lellouche, who have known each other for fifteen years. “We made a mini-pact to get away,” says Ramzy’s sister. But will the competition end up getting the better of their friendship?

“First of all, it’s not competitive, underlines Camille Lellouche. Then we move forward in time. We’ve been here for hours and we have an association to defend, so the issues come later. So at the beginning, the goal is not to laugh and then come the competition and the pacts”.

The rivalry rages between the union of Eric and Ramzy, the strength of Ahmed Sylla, the surprise Audrey Fleurot and above all the joker card of Gérard Darmon (we won’t tell you more). Quickly, some headliners are eliminated to general astonishment. The referee promises surprises until the final. The final fight, like the last three episodes, will be visible from April 8.

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