What do you think of the project to transform the ring road into a “green belt”?

It is an explosive subject on which everyone has an opinion. We are not talking here about adding cream to pasta carbonara, but about the ring road. During a major press conference with many elected officials, Anne Hidalgo presented Wednesday to the Climate Academy her project for the transformation of this road belt with the main objective of responding to the climate emergency.

So for the moment, it’s pretty vague. In addition to the confirmation that the lane reserved for the Olympic Games will be made permanent beyond 2024 to be reserved for ecological mobility (cars, buses, taxis, etc.), the mayor announced the passage of the ring road into 2×3 lanes, including the reserved lane , by 2030. This means removing one lane in the portions that are currently 2×4 lanes. On the other hand, nothing on a possible drop in the speed of circulation to 50 km / h, to which Anne Hidalgo had however declared herself favorable.

And you, what do you think of this transformation project? Are you in favor of switching to 2×3 lanes by 2030? Do you think the speed limit should be 50 km/h? Do you have any other ways to modify the device, by reducing nuisances and/or improving its fluidity?

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