What do you need vitamin D for?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitaminthat at many important metabolic processes involved in the human body. Among other things, it is important for solid bones and teethfor one normal muscle function and the immune system.

Vitamin D is formed when sunlight hits the skin

There is a suspicion that vitamin D can prevent chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus or certain types of cancer. According to that Robert Koch Institute Studies have found correlations. At the same time, however, evidence of causal relationships is lacking.

Vitamin D can be made from existing precursors are formed in the body itself. All the organism needs for this is sunlight. About the UV-B radiation the skin absorbs most of the vitamin.

About the food (in foods such as fatty sea fish, offal, mushrooms or eggs) only small amounts of vitamin D are supplied to the body. Adequate vitamin D supply can be determined after consultation with the doctor dietary supplements be reached.

According to the German Society for Nutrition e. V all people from the age of one need a daily reference amount of 20 micrograms of vitamin Dto prevent a shortage.

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