What do you need for raclette?

Around Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the table grill is dug out again in many places: two to eight guests can be catered for without much effort. But which ingredients do you actually need for a successful raclette evening?

By far the most important accompaniment to raclette is cheese – but not every type is equally suitable for the table grill: In addition to the right seasoning, it needs a particularly high fat content (at least 45 percent) so that it stays nice and creamy when it melts will. Hearty cheeses from Switzerland, France or the Allgäu are best suited for pure raclette enjoyment. Otherwise you are completely free in the choice of side dishes, but below you will find a list of the most important ingredients that you can either buy ready to serve or cut into bite-sized pieces. In any case, various types of meat, fish, cheese and vegetables can be ideally combined with cheese. And if you need to get a new raclette grill in advance, you will also find a few helpful (buying) tips here.

The raclette grill: you should pay attention to this

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Whether the grill is round, square or oval at the end of the day doesn’t matter at all in terms of taste. The only important thing is how many pans are needed – you should think carefully before buying whether you want to eat raclette more often with two, four or six people, for example. And also whether you prefer a pure metal plate, one made of natural stone or possibly a combination of both components? Natural stone plates have the advantage that the heat is distributed more evenly and you can also bake small mini pizzas on them without any fat. On the other hand, due to the lack of a non-stick coating, especially pieces of meat stick to it, so the table grill should best be adapted to the ingredients you prefer for raclette. A combination of metal and natural stone panels is also possible, but then you only have half as much space per surface. If you still need a decision-making aid, you will find a small selection of different models here:

1. WMF raclette grill with reversible cast iron plate

  • 1500 watts
  • variable temperature setting
  • 8 plastic sliders
  • 8 pans
  • Price: approx. 100 €

The smaller version for two to four people You will find here.

2. Severin party grill with natural grill stone plate

  • 1500 watts
  • stepless thermostat
  • 8 pans
  • Price: approx. € 60

here there is also a smaller version for up to four people.

3. Solis raclette grill and fondue in one

  • Raclette: 650 watts
  • Raclette, table grill, mini wok and crêpes platters
  • 3 raclette pans
  • 3 mini wok
  • 3 spatulas,
  • Price: approx. 98 €

4. Clatronic grill with hot stone and cast plate

  • 1400 watts
  • Temperature controller
  • 8 pans
  • 8 wooden spatulas
  • Price: approx. 45 €

There is a single version for one or two people here.

There is also something for those who are undecided and cannot decide between raclette and fondue on New Year’s Eve these practical combination.

The ingredients: what is suitable for raclette?

In and of itself, you can put anything you like on the table grill. However, you must be aware that raw vegetables such as potatoes in particular will not cook and should therefore be pre-cooked. So that your guests are completely catered for, vegetarians as well as meat eaters, you should serve a colorful selection of exquisite ingredients if possible – there is something for every taste. Starting with the cheese: Here you can either use classic raclette cheese, which you can get ready-to-cut in the supermarket, or other types such as those already mentioned above. But Emmentaler, Gouda, mozzarella or Gorgonzola can also be used. Tip: It is best to calculate with 200 grams of cheese per person. The following ingredients are also suitable for grilling:

Fillet pieces are best suited for grilling, regardless of whether they are chicken or beef, pork or turkey. It is best to cut the meat into bite-sized pieces before placing it on the cast iron plate. Alternatively, you can also fry bacon, small meatballs or even wiener sausages. Plan on 150 grams per head here.

You can also rely on fillets for fish – salmon or trout are ideal here, but also tuna or shrimp. It is important with fish (as with meat) that you do not prepare the raw ingredients in the pans, but directly on the grill plate. Otherwise the food will not cook properly. Unless you pre-cook the fish first.

An important detail: the cheese

An essential ingredient that should not be missing on any raclette evening: cheese

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In addition to boiled potatoes (you should also count on 200 grams per head), tomatoes and onions, peppers and courgettes, corn and mushrooms also go particularly well with raclette cheese. You can of course also use very hard vegetables such as aubergines or carrots, but these varieties remain firm to the bite even after grilling.

Fruits can literally sweeten the raclette evening. In addition to pineapples and mandarins, grapes or apples, mango or melon can also be served. Most of the fruit can be combined with hearty dishes in a pan according to personal taste. Only sour fruits like lemons or grapefruit are less suitable.

Baguette, which you can cut into hand-sized pieces, is particularly popular with raclette. But also a classic toast or wholemeal bread – cut into thin slices – goes very well with fish, meat and vegetables. In combination with the raclette cheese, you can of course also serve nachos.

Last but not least, an all-round successful raclette evening also includes an exquisite selection of dips and sauces: from (homemade) herb butter and hollandaise sauce to classic barbecue sauces (cocktail, barbecue, chilli, curry) there are no limits to the taste notes. Here you can dipping whatever you want.

Timing: This is how you plan the raclette evening

Since all food is unpacked and cut on the table, it can go bad, dry out or tarnish more quickly. For this reason, time management is crucial for a successful evening. The best way to proceed here is as follows: Set up the table grill one or two hours in advance, set the table and distribute all the ingredients that were in cans or glasses in small bowls. Then the fruit and vegetables are cut into small pieces and served nicely with the cheese. You can put the potatoes on and cook them 30 minutes before the start signal so that they are still warm when serving. It is best to prepare the meat and fish shortly before your guests arrive – then nothing stands in the way of a delicious evening.

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