What citizen proposals will the candidates for the Elysée retain?

Among the 1,469 citizen proposals collected, will one of them be integrated into the program of one of the candidates for the presidential election? This is the possibility offered to suitors for the Elysée by
the consultation “How to build more sustainable cities, for all?” initiated by the University of the City of Tomorrow – created by the
Palladio Foundation – and which 20 minutes was a partner. Between November and December, via the Make.org platform, nearly 40,000 participants voted more than 200,000 times for the 1,469 proposals made by citizens.

This consultation is not a survey. Citizens could “freely express their proposals, which were voted on by the other participants”, presents the University of the City of Tomorrow, in the restitution of the citizen consultation. “Each proposal was subject to a weighted and qualified vote. A participant gives a level of intensity, for or against, to his vote, and can qualify the proposal as relevant or banal. After the 212,111 votes, 14 ideas were approved (+70% of votes for) and 13 ideas were controversial (+35% of votes against). They will feed the debate this Tuesday, in Paris at the Maison des Océans, where Yannick Jadot, and Fabien Roussel or the representatives of other candidates (Xavier Bertrand for Valérie Pécresse, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol for Anne Hidalgo or Hervé Juvin for Marine Le Pen).

“Construction and renovation”, a theme that interests the French

Mobility is the topic that comes first in the consultation, being cited in 19% of the 1,395 validated proposals. Voters are divided on electric vehicles. Among the controversial ideas, that of Camille, “we must impose on communities the transition to a fleet of 100% electric vehicles” – 47% of votes against collected – could be used to react, for example Yannick Jadot (EELV), supporter of ‘a ban on the sale of new thermal vehicles from 2030. The question also applies to Fabien Roussel (PCF) who in The Parisian“defends clean cars for all” via a conversion bonus.

Second theme that animated the consultation: “construction and renovation”, mentioned in 17% of the 1,395 ideas submitted to the vote. There, the candidates will be able to choose the theme of “energy renovation” or “reuse of materials in all new construction” which are close to the hearts of voters. Third theme cited, “nature and biodiversity” with 15%. The revegetation advocated and operated by many town halls is desired by almost all citizens. Mark’s idea “We must plant trees to guarantee a minimum of free and natural space” received the absolute record of positive votes: 92%.

To see now if one or more pretenders to the Elysée will appropriate one of the citizen proposals. If this is the case, no doubt, they will opt for a popular idea to reach as many voters as possible.

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