What are your tips for not having your bicycle stolen (or for finding it)?

Your bike is no longer where you left it. You look to the right, to the left, to the next street, he is nowhere. You even wonder if you really came by bicycle this morning. Many cyclists have experienced this scene.

In France, bicycle theft is a true national sport: according to a study revealed last year by several structures, including the French Federation of Bicycle Users (FUB), there are between 350,000 and 580,000 bicycle thefts each year.

On the occasion of the Tous à vélo event, next Sunday, in Montpellier (Hérault), we are curious to know your tips, your methods, your habits, to prevent your bike from disappearing

Have you invested in a specific anti-theft device? Do you prefer to ride with an old, beat-up bike, so as not to tempt thieves? Do you bring your bike into your small apartment every evening? Also tell us if you ever found your stolen bicycle one day. Where ? On an online sales site? At a local market? In a landfill? And how did you find it? Thanks to these codes that we stick on bikes? You can write to us using the form below. THANKS !

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