What are travelers dreaming of and which stays will make a splash in 2024?

For 2024, travelers are already looking for new experiences. Booking, the travel booking platform, surveyed 33,000 of its customers around the world to uncover the travel trends that will emerge in the near future.

In 2024, solo travel will be very popular. Many travelers want to go alone to be in contact with nature and experience unique adventures. In fact, 78% of travelers surveyed want incredible experiences while traveling, showing that more and more people are looking for vacations that offer activities and services in addition to accommodations. According to Booking, 68% of travelers see travel as “an opportunity to feel alive” and show their best side.

Travel to rest

Travelers want to escape the stress and hustle and bustle of their daily lives, so well-being and relaxation play a central role in their travel choices. More and more people are looking for peaceful and refreshing destinations, especially those located in natural surroundings near water. Around 56% of travelers want to escape the heat by choosing vacation spots with moderate temperatures, close to a water point. This priority will have a big impact on their choice of destination next year. However, you don’t have to go far away to relax: 50% of travelers prefer destinations closer to home. Savings on travel are invested in higher quality experiences.

Travel to explore

A thirst for adventure and discovery is driving more and more tourists, whether they travel alone or accompanied. The desire to dive into unknown destinations, sometimes without even knowing their final destination before arriving, is growing. Surprise trips are experiencing considerable growth, offering unexpected encounters and authentic discoveries. Cultural elements, including local gastronomy and bistronomy, feature prominently, with around 56% of travelers wanting to immerse themselves in the culinary traditions of the places visited.

Travel sustainably

Travelers are giving more and more importance to the environment when choosing where to stay. Sustainability is top of mind, with 65% of travelers showing growing interest in stylish, planet-friendly accommodation. In addition, 53% of them want to stay in establishments combining elegance and sustainable commitment. The integration of green spaces within accommodation is also very appreciated.

In 2024, travelers are increasingly looking for authenticity, tranquility and a commitment to the environment. They aspire to unique experiences that bring them closer to nature while respecting our planet.

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