West Nile virus: Spread possible within 48 hours! Doctor warns of dangerous virus

West Nile virus can spread quickly. A Spanish doctor warned about this. Cases have already been reported in Spain. Has the virus already arrived in Germany? How dangerous is the pathogen for health?

West Nile virus can spread from North Africa to Ibiza within 48 hours, according to a doctor. Image: picture alliance/dpa/CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL/EPA | Cynthia Goldsmith

Viral diseases can have serious effects on people’s health. A Spanish doctor now emphasizes that it is important to pay attention to this and at the same time warns against the spread of a potentially dangerous virus: the West Nile virus.

Doctor warns of West Nile virus spreading to Ibiza

The doctor and research professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Luis Enjuanes, spoke about, among other things, the West Nile virus at a conference on “Understanding viruses and preparing for future health challenges”. He pointed out that the virus can spread within 48 hours “due to the strong air currents that carry mosquitoes.” The pathogen has already been detected in captured mosquitoes in the villages of Guillena, El Castillo de las Guardas and La Puebla del Río. There was an outbreak in Spain in 2020 and, according to a report in the British “Express”, some people died. The newspaper “Diario de Ibiza” reported on this on August 1, 2023.

First infections reported in Germany

The virus is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes between wild birds, writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). However, transmission to humans is also possible. The institute reported in June 2023 that there may be a risk of illness, particularly in eastern Germany. In 2019, the RKI recorded the first infections with the pathogen in eastern German regions.

In order to transmit the West Nile virus, the pathogens need suitable conditions. “The season that is favorable for mosquitoes varies in length depending on the local climate and short-term weather fluctuations. In Germany this is mainly late summer, and if the weather is persistently warm it can also be early autumn. In southern Europe, transmissions are often observed until November,” writes the RKI. Climate change in particular can promote the spread of mosquitoes that can carry the virus.

How dangerous is West Nile fever?

Most West Nile virus infections are asymptomatic. Especially for older people, immunocompromised people or people with heart disease, West Nile fever, as the infectious disease is called, can lead to a serious illness. West Nile virus can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). In the worst case, the inflammation can be fatal. The probability of dying from West Nile virus is around five to ten percent.

The following symptoms are typical of an infection with West Nile virus:

  • Fever
  • flu-like symptoms
  • Skin rash (maculopapular rash); Similar to the rash of rubella or measles
  • chills
  • Headache and back pain
  • fatigue
  • Lymph node swelling

Also read: Expert explains! This does NOT protect against the nasty bites

Anyone who notices such symptoms should see their doctor and have them checked out. West Nile fever itself cannot be treated, but the symptoms can. To protect yourself from mosquito bites, you should avoid perfume and wear light-colored clothing.

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