Werder: Warning to Ducksch and criticism of Burke

Werder: Warning to Ducksch and criticism of Burke

Marvin Ducksch

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Marvin Ducksch is criticized for his misstep – Oliver Burke for his performance.

Marvin Ducksch is under observation after his disciplinary misstep at SV Werder and has to deliver. The latter also applies to Oliver Burke, who was unable to use his starting XI chance against Paderborn and recently disappointed.

Marvin Ducksch only experienced the SV Werder cup from the couch. Because he overslept a session on Sunday, Ole Werner consequently removed him from the squad for the game at SC Paderborn.

Without his congenial strike partner, Niclas Füllkrug also had an unfortunate evening in East Westphalia. Surprisingly, the top scorer of the current Bundesliga season did not appear on the scoreboard against the second division team – even if he was denied his own goal in extra time under very dubious circumstances. Nevertheless: Füllkrug openly admitted that Ducksch was missing against the SCP.

“I like to always have him with me, our understanding is blind,” said gap to the picture. At the same time, the leading player also had a warning left for his strike partner: “Duckschi has suffered now and I hope he learns from it. You know what he stands for and what his lifestyle is. Some guys are like that. But he has to be careful that he does not overstep the mark.”

Leonardo Bittencourt, the unlucky man of the evening with his missed penalty, emphasized that Ducksch will hopefully show a reaction in the upcoming game against Freiburg. “He got the punishment that he deserved to a certain extent. The team told him it wasn’t possible,” said the playmaker clearly.

Burke can not use the chance – filling jug blasphemes meaningfully

There shouldn’t be any doubts at Osterdeich that Ducksch will promptly return to the starting XI against SCF. Especially since his deputy Oliver Burke was badly disappointed against Paderborn. “We could have used a push from the players who haven’t played that much lately. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I want to put it nicely: I’m looking forward to Duckschi being there again on Saturday,” said Füllkrug, giving a clear swipe Direction of the Scot, who was substituted after just one hour in the cup.

In any case, after a furious start, in which he appeared as a goalscorer against VfB Stuttgart and Borussia Dortmund, the ex-Leipziger has recently slacked off considerably. “Expectations were different for Oliver. One wishes that he would bring his great potential to the pitch…”, emphasized Clemens Fritz after the disappointing appearance in the cup picture.

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This article was originally published on 90min.com/de as Werder: Warning to Ducksch and criticism of Burke released.


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