Weidel to intensive care patients: wrong source, wrong claim

fact finder

As of: December 8th, 2021 4:54 p.m.

AfD parliamentary group leader Weidel has indirectly claimed that most Covid patients in intensive care units have been vaccinated. That emerges from the figures of the Federal Static Office. None of this is true.

By Patrick Gensing, editorial office at ARD-faktenfinder

Confrontational interview on the sidelines of the Chancellor election on Wednesday in Berlin: Most of the patients in the intensive care units of German clinics are unvaccinated. This is what moderator Erhard Scherfer said in an interview with AfD parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel on Phoenix TV.

That wasn’t true, replied Weidel, the numbers were wrong. Scherfer disagreed that the statement was very much correct. The moderator wanted to know where they got their numbers from. Weidel referred to “destatis” – the Federal Statistical Office.

Federal Office denies

But the Federal Office does not have any relevant data. “We don’t have any data on the vaccination status of intensive care patients,” says destatis on Twitter.

In fact, current data on the number of Covid intensive care patients can be found in the Intensive register. According to the daily report from December 8th, more than 4800 Covid patients are currently receiving intensive medical treatment, of which 2716 are invasively ventilated.

The RKI also offers various statistics that show that the risk of unvaccinated people being seriously ill with Covid-19 is significantly higher. Prove this For example, data on fully vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 casesrelated to 100,000 vaccinated / unvaccinated people.

Fully vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 cases per 100,000 vaccinated / unvaccinated
Age groupVaccination statusvalue

These data already show that vaccinated people are much less likely to develop severe disease. And although the majority of adults in Germany are vaccinated, there are more unvaccinated people in intensive care units.

The RKI reports on this in its weekly reports. According to the latest information dated December 2nd The proportion of vaccine breakthroughs in symptomatic Covid-19 patients in intensive care units in the age group of 18 to 59 year olds was 15.7 percent. In the over-60s, 44.5 percent of intensive care patients are fully vaccinated. However, the vaccination rate here is over 86 percent – that is, the only 14 percent of those who have not been vaccinated make up more than half of the intensive care patients in this age group. In addition, the vaccination protection decreases faster in the elderly, which is why the booster vaccinations are particularly important.

Statements wrong

Weidel’s statements are both demonstrably wrong. The Federal Statistical Office does not keep current data on the vaccination status of intensive care patients, nor are the majority of these patients vaccinated.

In addition, absolute numbers do not exactly represent the increased risk for unvaccinated people. If you put the numbers in relation to 100,000 people in each case, it becomes clear that unvaccinated people are significantly more likely to become seriously ill.

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