Wedel and #MeToo in Germany: The process that never existed – Panorama

In the US, producer Harvey Weinstein is back on trial. Allegation: further rapes. And in Germany? What became of the “Me Too” movement, whose greatest enemy, Dieter Wedel, died before the trial came?


Annette Ramelsberger

Guilty without a trial. In the case of film director Dieter Wedel, who was accused of rape, the verdict was clear for many, but especially for one of his sons: “Dieter Wedel was a monster, a sadist, rapist and misanthrope. The world has become a little bit better.” That’s what Benjamin Voland, 23, wrote, the son of Wedel’s long-standing relationship with actress Dominique Volant, as a comment on the father’s death on Instagram. The son no longer needed a criminal trial, he had already made up his mind.

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