Weather: strong thunderstorms in the Southwest, hailstorms, gusts of wind… what to expect this Thursday?

the essential
New disruptions from the Atlantic and Spain are expected this Thursday in France. These will gradually slide eastward. Violent thunderstorms and hailstorms could hit the Southwest.

After the peak of heat, new rainy and stormy episodes are expected this Thursday. The disturbances come to us straight from the Atlantic coast. This Thursday, August 25, in the morning, “a stormy deterioration possibly marked concerns […] the south of New Aquitaine as well as Brittany before extending towards Lower Normandy”, evokes the Weather Channel on its website.

Risk of thunderstorms loc. strong, several areas to watch:
– next night and tomorrow morning: Brittany and Lower Normandy (significant local rain accumulations).
– tomorrow afternoon: Massif Central and Pyrenees, with overflows to the Toulouse Midi in the evening.

— VigiMeteoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) August 24, 2022

As a result, strong electrical activity, intense rains and violent gusts of wind are expected, especially in the South-West, Brittany and Lower Normandy.

Meteo France forecasts for this Thursday morning.
Meteo France

In the morning, the rain will make its entry into France. Intense disturbances are expected from the Basque Country to the Pays de la Loire going up towards Normandy: this is called a “galerne blow”. In the east, the sky will be clear… at least until this afternoon. The disturbances will gradually shift to the east, as far as the South, Ariège, Aude, but also in the Hérault country. “They can be more sustained near the Pyrenees with a risk of hail”, also states Météo France.

Meteo France forecasts for this Thursday afternoon.

Meteo France forecasts for this Thursday afternoon.
Meteo France

Large gusts of wind, nearly 65 km / h, are expected in Toulouse. The rain will settle permanently at the end of the day in the South, and the Pyrenees could also be hit by violent impacts. On the temperature side, the mercury will remain particularly high despite the storms: up to 29°C are expected in Toulouse or Montpellier this Thursday. It will be over 30°C in the east of France, which will remain exposed to the sun.

Precipitation forecast for August 25.

Precipitation forecast for August 25.

This Friday, August 26, the rain and thunderstorms will gradually migrate towards the northeast of the country, giving way to a cloudy sky.

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